
Why are teens so stereotyped?

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I just want to know this. When the word "teenager" comes to mind, so do "drugs, s*x, alchohol, pregnancy and dropout." This is the case for lots of people. But when in truth, there are so many responsible, independent, straight-A teens out there with a great future ahead of them! Why are teens so stereotyped? I am a teen, straight A's, hoping to make it as a physical therapist. I've got a group of good friends, and I have a good outlook on my future. Sure there are teens who are having s*x and getting pregnant, teens who are doing drugs and drinking, teens who are dropping out. I know this. But why focus on this and not the positive stuff?

Does anyone out there have faith in the future teeens of America?

No rude answers please.




  1. Yes! I'm 13, and I hate when people say like to  my parents "Oh, here comes the fun!" or something. It's soooooooo annoying. HELLO! It's not like I do drugs and drink. I get decent grades, have decent friends, and don't break up with my boyfriend every week.  

  2. Because some teenagers (not all) reinforce the stereotype by their behavior.

  3. yea i agree with you i am a teen mother though and i get hated on all the time.... but why cant people make the best of things... I also dont understand why teens in general are always the bad guys  

  4. Because nobody sees the good.

    When you think of old people, do you think of the happy ones?

    No, you think of the mean bitter ones.

    Everyone will always be stereotyped, theres no getting around it.  all you can do is prove people wrong about YOU.  Don't bother trying to alter the sterotype, alter people's views of YOU

  5. I know what you mean. I'm 15, and I'm a junior in high school, so i'm around older people. I've never touched drugs, alcohol, or have had s*x. I get good grades, also. I don't get why adults feel that way about us teenagers.

  6. I'm 15 and I'm proud to be a virgin I dont want to mess up my life,I get good grades and I'm planning to go to college when I turn 18, unlike most of the other teen girls at my school who go out and get pregnant.My only guess is that most teens these day are expose to s*x,drugs,and violence.

  7. yes I agree. But get used to it because everything is stereotyped.

    but i know what you mean. I'm 15 and have never touched a drug or alcohol drink in my life and im still a virgin.

  8. The reason we teens are stereotyped is because of television shows you know the teenager of the family is off getting into bad crowds.  And because so many people in america watch tv too much they think that teenagers out here are like the ones in the tv.  So that's why we are stereotyped.  

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