
Why are terrorists such cowards?

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..They think it is a very "courageous act" to kill women,children and poor men..uh???

Why are they getting rid of their real life frustration by killing normal people..If they are so smart,why can't they go blast prime minister or president or ministers uh???

Planting bobms in trains and markets is a coward act..any donkey can do that..But to act wise,that is something smart..

donkeys are killing normal muslims all over the world..Why dn't they go kill the auhtorities instead so that they "acheive their aim"..

Muslims all over the world are silent..This will kill us all..Trust me..

Pls dn't give c**p answers as"there are fatwas that condemn troorism"..SO WHAT??This is still happeneing among us..




  1. I think you are angry over the insecurity and violence caused by terrorists.

    However, its absolutely contradictory to say they are cowards. Sacrificing one's life for his/her cause is probably the ultimate courage. I think  you have been listening to too many Bush speeches.

    The so called terrorists as they are labeled by the U.S,. Government do have their reasons. It is a battle of Davaid and Galiath.

    Now if the terrorists were launching missiles from a safe and comfortable distance, lets say from a battle ships many miles off seas from its target, yes I would say thats a cowardly act.

    Its obvious you are consumed by your emotions, because from your comments you don't seem to know why these people are so angry at America, or even why so many people in general are angry at America.

    Its too complex to mention here, but being angry at America is the logical conlsuion of a extremely unfair system of international poltics and finance. Of which most Americans are unaware of because its never aired on our news.

    Lets just say for every bit of work you do in your life you get to enjoy over 20x the luxury the world has to offer then someone outside the United States thats on our "enemy's" list. And its because of the people suffering in this world we are able to live such life styles.

    If anything we should be grateful terroorist countries exist, because its often their blood we are living on.

    If you trace back the sources of diamond, lumber, oil, minerals, etc... you'll reach the same conclusion.

    **** No such thing as poor innocent people in a war... like the lady above said, the greatest atrocity was the atomic bombing of Japan, not once but twice, on helpless women and children. It wasn't a military base or a factory the American gov wanted to destroy, it was the familes left behind by fighting soldiers that was the target. To drop a bomb from s safe distance high above in a plane then to come home safely hours later after killing tens of thousands of people is a cowardly act. The pilots pretty much admited it after the bombing, and the scientists also admited it after they made the mistake of making the a bomb for the government.

    **** keep in mind the people of terrorists countries have had their families "blasted" and their homes and life styles destroyed by Amreicans or our allies long before and far more severly and more frequently then we have. I think its you that "does not want to understand" the reality of the situation.

    If someone kills you brother because he didn;t agree with someone, then that same men blew up your house and raped your daughter, I think you would become a so called "terrorists" also.

    Your mind is just toooooooo dead set on one side.

    **** You still don't get it. You condem only non Americans and ignore why they are that way.

    I am sure if this was several hundred years ago you might also call the native americans terrorists and condem them for fighting the Europeans or then the early American governemnt.

    Why should people defend themselves..? Come on... I am sure you understand that much right? Some people are non violent and self sacrificial for their enemies.

    Besides, if you are referring to the world trade center, they were targeting american financial institutions. The people were collateral damage. Their second target was the Pentagon, for obvious reason.

    They could have atomic bombed us from a plane if they wanted to, but what kind of monster would resort to that?

  2. EXACTLY...

    "courageous act" to kill women,children and poor men..uh???"

    I mean look how stupid George Bush is. He is the worlds bigest terrorist.. killing innocent iraqies to steal their oil, rape the women, kill the children, bomb their streets, cars etc... I mean isn't he concidered a 'terrorisrt/.. seriosuly..

    Muslims are not silent all over the world, everyone is. No one cares about the poor middle eastern people who are dying from America. No one cares about the war Obama wants to have on Pakistan in 2009 ....

    Noone cares about America stealing middle east oil

    Noone cares about America blaming Muslims for eveything

    Noone cares about America having a war on innocent countries, killing so many people.. now tell me who is THE REAL TERRORIST????

    Noon cares that George Bush are only good at covering stories and having inside jobs e.g. 9/11 and the moon landing

    Noone cares that America are the only country that has used nuclear bombs killing 220, 000 people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.. and yet they don't allow Iran to create nuclear for peaceful purposes?? When Iran has 0 nuclear weapons and America (being the only country used nuclear) has the leading number of nuclear weapons...

    I mean.. when will the ignorance leave people?

  3. for some  reason  they are convinced  killing those who do not agree with them  is serving Allah  its the religious leaders  you need to blame.  yes I agree its a cowardly act  to kill unsuspecting people  but it is evil to kill any one.

  4. You see, allah is smart he keeps muslims poor and backward by telling them to trust ONLY in the quran and not in secular history or knowledge or science which openly proves islam to be a fraud.  Especially history.

    Once these people are without hope, allah exploits their hopelessness by offering them rewards & s*x for killing non muslims using anti factual claims that muslims are told to just SUBMIT to.

    This is what it means in islam.  SUBMISSION to pure evil.

    And unless we open up all muslim communities and force them to truly practice religious freedom, removing the clutches of the islamic syariah on muslims there will be no hope for humanity.  Because the more you expose them, the more they will close up and look for even MORE excuses to cover their religious shames.


  5. The Selfishness of Terrorists

    Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin al-`Ubaykaan

    Reference: Refer to attached audio file

    Category: Terrorism

    So when you speak, do not only consider your own self saying: ‘We want to establish Jihaad and we want to be martyrs...’ This does not give you the right to be a cause for the destruction of others, the fact that you want to be a martyr.

    This is selfishness, a person like this only thinks of himself. All he wants, is to be killed in the cause of Allaah and to enter Jannah [according to his belief], that’s all, without looking at the interests and well being of others. This is not permissible, this is not the behavior of Muslims.

    Translator: Nadir Ahmad, Abu Abdul-Waahid

    Date Published: Sunday, 26 August 2007

    Terrorism Draws Great Harm Upon the Muslims

    Number of Scholars

    Reference: Al Ijabaat Al Muhimah Fee Al Mashaakil Al Mudlahamah

    Category: Terrorism

    The truth is that they harm Islaam and further turn people away from it.

    The Muslims reached the point where they almost want to cover their faces in order to avoid being attributed to this terrifying group. Islaam is free from it. Even after Jihaad was ordained, the companions of the Prophet never used to go to non-Muslim societies and kill them, never! There is no Jihaad except under the banner of a ruler who has the ability to carry it out.

    As for terrorism, by Allaah it is a deficiency on the part of the Muslims, I swear by Allaah, we never see its benefits, rather it is the opposite, it distorts the reputation of Islaam. But if were to act with wisdom, fear Allaah within our own selves firstly and then try to rectify other people's affairs with legislated methods, the results would be positive.

    Al 'Alaamah Muhammad ibn Saaleh al 'Uthaymeen

    العلامة محمد بن صالح العثيمين –رحمه الله-

    Fataawa al A-imah: p.55

    فتاوى الائمة: ص:55

    Terrorism only causes Muslims living in their own countries to be killed as you are now witnessing. This is not from the affairs of Da'wah, nor is it from the affairs of Jihaad. Likewise bombings and causing destruction, this only draws great evil upon the Muslims as is now happening...

    Al 'Alaamah Saaleh ibn Fawzaan Al Fawzaan

    العلامة صالح بن فوزان الفوزان

    Fataawa al A-imah: p.65

    فتاوى الائمة: ص:65

    Question: Is it permissible to hijack planes, blow up buildings and carry out revolts [against the government]? Is this considered to be from the essence of Islaam that one loves to act upon? Benefit us, may Allaah reward you.

    Answer: These affairs are from the destruction that Islaam prohibits, and it draws a lot of evil upon the Muslims because the non-Muslims take this as grounds to attack the Muslims and annihilate them. It is these actions that non-Muslims have used as justification to dispraise Islaam as being a religion of terrorism, they say this because of such activities.

    Islaam prohibits Bombings, destruction and hijacking planes because it causes harm to the Muslims before it does to other than them, and because it is a form of harm that does not contain any benefit.

  6. For those who go bombing people and killing innocent children ec it is indeed wrong, if they want to fight, fight with those who are oppressing the Muslims, where they are really needed. It's quite difficult to explain why one may fall into this trap and do what they do, some do this because they feel they are helpless i.e can't do much to help with the injustice that Muslims are facing thus they adopt this silly option killing Innocent people. I am by no means trying to justified what they do, but you need to steer away from the media since most of the time they spread propaganda.

  7. I tend to believe terrorism is about power grab and has very little to do with the ideals terrorists say they are upholding.

    In this specific case, they want control over the people and religion is only an excuse.

    Like, bringing democracy was the excuse to invade Iraq for regional control and oil.

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