
Why are test scores low for black children and in inner city schools?

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I believe all kids are smart. In the inner city of Charleston WV kids go to a school named Piedmont Elementary. Well I went to this school when I was younger. I will not blame the school for my life now. I ended up getting a GED. The kids must have life styles that don't allow much study time. I have ADHD or whatever but I found I learn just fine on my own long as I am organised. Piedmont is a title one school which means they get more money for better teachers. Sould I send my kids to the same school I feel that I had a bad start. The school seems much better. How much influence does the kids of a school have on others? If my kids go and are the minority how can I encourage them to do a good job?




  1. A lot of the problems of us african americans and school beings at the lower education level. There is still a very high percentage of inner city kids who grow up in a single parent household, and that does affect their abilities in school. For one thing, honestly, most of the schools in the inner city aren't that good. That don't have funding, so they don't have enough textbooks for all the students, and certainly not enough for the students to bring home and do homework. Another thing to look at is that there are a lot of myths (some true some false) about teaching in the city, especially if the majority of the students aer black. Therefore, inner city schools don't get the best teachers either, in extreme cases they don't even get qualified teachers. Passing the SAT tests for inner city kids is sometimes not even a possibility. What you can do is nurture your kids, keep books and other educational objects in the house. Keep telling them how important it is to go to school and go to college. Make sure your kids are getting homework and that is is enough and up to their level. Help them when they need it. Basically, make sure you have good communication with you children.

  2. environment  .. there surrondings.. usally leads to low test scores and such

  3. Don't send your kids there. The environment, teachers, the whole psychology of the situation adds to the work ethic they will develop there. And if you went there yourself and can vouch for the fact that its not very good, dont send your children there. Send them to another school, or a private school if you can afford it / are serious about their education.

  4. beeause of home it's sad they on't get enough ood are abused and the no child left behind program is bullshit hey don't do it

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