
Why are textbook prices at Barnes and Noble slightly higher than other textbook-selling stores and sites?

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I've always noticed how Barnes and Nobles make you pay about $10 more for a book than any other store. Anyone know why that is?




  1. Two words: for profit. Or how about: profit margin. The college bookstore or is out to help people find inexpensive books, retailers like B&N are out to make $$.

  2. In many cases it is because they want you to join the club.  Once you do you get a discount on your textbooks.  While BN does make money on textbooks they are more interested in being the local bookstore.

    If they are the local bookstore on campus that is a bit of a different story.  In this cases they are no different than any other campus bookstore.  The main campus bookstore always charges full price for the books.

    If you want to save money try shopping online using a free textbook price comparison site such as

  3. Because its a higher end store.  

  4. They are a bigger company with stores everywhere.  It's all about convenience.  If you're really looking to get a good deal on your textbooks, look get the barcode number and search for them on  I have found books that are supposed to cost $250 for $60, it's great!

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