
Why are the 3 center lane lines different colors than the other lane lines?

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I am an avid swimmer and have been asked by many non-swimming friends why this is. I'm not sure the answer; can someone help me?




  1. they represent the three swimmers expected to win

    (the fourth lane beingthe fastest expected swimmer)

    hope this answers your question!

  2. Because Pablo messed up when he put the lane lines in. (he's actually color blind anyway)

    No, kidding aside...

    This is a great question.

    This is to draw attention to the center lanes where the highest seeded swimmers are placed. It allows the spectators and commentators to easily spot the top swimmers.

    Some may also say it is to help find any swimmer by the lane number easier. It's easier and quicker to spot 'my swimmer' in lane three if the two center lanes are surrounded by yellow lane lines. The same can be said for the other lanes as well.

    This is the first major competition that I've seen this configuration and I like it. What do you think about it?


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