
Why are the AOH allowed to march in America when the Orange order can`t. We allow both to March in U.K?

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Why are the AOH allowed to march in America when the Orange order can`t. We allow both to March in U.K?




  1. Hey Laura din't she say it at the end of her q? WE LET BOTH MARCH, I think that the word BIOTH says it all.

  2. Who are these people?... AOH?... Orange Order?...

  3. Cause the AOH is a catholic AMERICAN organization. The Orange Order has nothin to do with America, it is strictly UK oriantated. If there was a protostant American organization, I am sure they could march.

    Question for you? Does the UK let the AOH march there? Just curious.

  4. While I have no idea who these folks are that you mentioned, an American citizen has the right, secured by our constitution, to peaceabley assemble.  That includes a protest march, as long as it is peaceful.  You have not cited any details to back up your claim, so it is difficult to comment.  

    Most do not beleive nor advocate the tenets of say the KKK, they are however, afforded their right to protest (March) as long as it is peaceful.  No one can lawfully prevent any group from doing so.

    Having said that , I will add this, freedom is not free!  You cannot protest in such a way as to disrupt things.  IE, you cannot block or interfer with traffic on a busy street in the middle of rush hour!  You can ( and should be allowedto) protest peacefully from the sidewalks.  Your protest cannot and should not disrupt the "peace", such as creating such a commotion that normal business cannot be conducted in that area.

  5. The AOH organizes the annual St Patrick's Day parades in most communities that have such parades.  The Orangemen have never to my knowledge asked to organize a parade in the USA, and certainly could not be stopped from having one.  Even the Klu Klux Klan and American n**i Party are allowed to have parades, and the Orange aren't all that much worse.  Maybe it's just shame that keeps them from showing their faces.

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