
Why are the American Asian girls in the Olympics hotter than the Asian Asian girls?

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Why are the American Asian girls in the Olympics hotter than the Asian Asian girls?




  1. yellow fever. get that cured fast white man

  2. How ignorant for some people to think that China is still a communist country. Do you think any communist can grow their economy 10% annually for 30 years straight? They're money-whoring capitalists just like the rest of us.

    Also, the "unattractive" Asian olympians are chosen for the national team because of their skill, this is not a beauty contest. And the fact that they have made it into the olympic team proves that they have more money/better treatment than 90% of the atheletes out there.

    If you want to find hot Asian women, don't look in the olympics, because they are not there to look pretty.

  3. Its because they have the American blood in them.  LOL.

  4. I agree with Niloy!  American women are just hotter!

  5. i think most of the girls (asian or not) in the olympics look like boys because they are so muscular! i can't believe you think they are hot!

  6. I think it's the opposite. I like Asian Asian girls because they are healthier than American Asian girls. When Asian Asian girls get old; their skin tone is not dry and it still smooth while American Asian has that dry skin and the light of the skin doesn't illuminate. It's all about the eating.

    Have you seen the Chinese cheerleaders? That is hot.

    [[eric]] Awesome rebuke. Chinese students learn biology and chemistry and physics in an early age while 18% US students doesn't learn the 3 sciences .

  7. because america filled with many resources and the media makes them think looks are everything.

  8. aztec soldier. you do know that the students in china study more advanced subjects then us americans. i watched it on nightly news yesterday.

  9. becuase china is good in some but just not in hottness. they have the smallest eyes on earth

  10. I think it depends to the person whom he thinks is hotter. They always say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  11. Standards of beauty differ from culture to culture. You grew up in a culture that thinks certain physical qualities are "hot". Maybe "Asian Asian" people don't agree. It's very subjective. Only YOU can answer your question. There's no right or wrong. Open your mind.

  12. Depends on your preferences, but I find both attractive.  

  13. Probably because they live under communism? meaning they dont eat enough, dont go to school, etc

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