
Why are the American bashers so hypocritical?

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Here's just one out of many examples of encounters I've had with snooty, s****., uppity, left wing, europhile anti-American Americans:

Me: We went to the hot springs and got in naked with a bunch of senior citizens.

It: I'm sure the Americans didn't get in. We're too uptight.

Me: Actually, the Americans were the only ones who did get in. The Germans, Swedes and Canadians seemed almost appauled and they nearly ran!

It: Well, they have more respect than Americans. Americans are classless and will get in naked anywhere.

See how it goes? This is why the Left cannot win. Their only goal is to find reasons to hate America, no matter what!!!

Anyone else with stories like this? I could add many, many more....




  1. you said it. They r only looking to trash Americans. That's the most important thing. It's mental illness that has been disguised as intellectual debate.

  2. Valerie, You're the perfect example of why the human race will not survive another 100 years. This dude's comment/question made perfect sense and was even enlightening. Your response, on the other hand, was rambling babble from someone who watches far too much Oprah and Dr. Phil. What's scary about people like you is that you actually take your dimwitted puppetry for intellectualism.  

  3. I had an example like that. I was in europe with some fellow students and one said that the American tourists were loud and obnoxious and I said the europeans seem pretty loud themselves and she said that's because they are full of life. So if a european is loud it's cuz they are full of life, but if an American is loud it's cuz they are obnoxious. Strange??

  4. Would love to respond but am still scratching my head trying to make heads or tails out of your was this person being hypocritical - expressing a belief does not make a person a hypocrite unless you are broadening the definition to include someone who expresses a belief that is contrary to your own.

    Europhile - the accepted definition is someone who wants more cooperation within governments of the european union - are you against this?  Was this a discussion in the hot tub?  Were the Germans, Swedes and Canadians adverse to such cooperation?  Again, are you broadening the definition to include someone who has an opinion on Europe that is different than your own?

    anti-American American:  Again, definition please.....seems like an oxymoron....can there be an anti-vegetable vegetarian?  Or are you again broadening definitions to include anyone who expresses a contrary opinion?

  5. American women do this all the time. if a European pinches their ***, he's s**y and romantic. If an American guy pinches their ***, he's a chauvinistic pig who should be arrested for a hate crime.  

  6. Most American nudists are on the left. You are generalizing. If this is the best example you can come up with, I'm not impressed.

  7. It's not a great example but I do notice there is a mindset about American Bashers they are overwhelmingly Liberals or democrats they are pessimist by nature they always see the glass half empty and they have a inability to see things obectively.

  8. Hmm...never really thought about it, but since you mention it. Just recently we were watching the Olympics and my friend noticed that the US has won the most medals. I said isn't that great and we should be proud. He said Americans are obsessed with winning and that we're too competitive. Then he literally turned around and in the same breath said the Chinese were doing a great job! I thought it odd then but didn't realize how his comment is indicative of a greater trend to simply bash America even when it does not warrant it. Sad I suppose...

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