
Why are the Anit-trust laws not being enforced one Exxon?

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  1. If you were old enough to drive you would notice there is more than one gas/oil company in the United States and usually on the same corner in the same town.  Perhaps you could also look up the word Monopoly while you are at it.

    PS.  Over 70% of oil companies in the world are state controlled.  How should that be handled with Anti-Trust laws?  Big oil is usually big gov't.

    PS 2:  The Democrat Gore Family as in Al Gore is "Big Oil".  They get the vast quantity of their wealth through their ownership interests in Occidental Petroleum.  Which happens to be the company Democrat Bill Clinton gave our Naval Emergency Reserved to.  Can you say Pay Off!

  2. Couple of nuggets for you courtesy of Economics 101.

    "Monopolies" remain monopolies only as long as they remain the low cost producer.  Research the Toys R Us case from the early 90s, where the Justice Dept. was readying a case against the evil monopolist Toys R Us for cornering the toy market.  the case fell apart when a couple of companies called Wal Mart and Target started selling toys by the boatload and undercut Toys R Us prices.

    U.S. Monopoly law is used by entrenched companies to fight off competition.  Look at Sun Microsystems whining to government when Microsoft started invading its turf.  On a side note, the clueless judge who saddled Microsoft for being a monopoly and extorted money from them could not produce one example where Microsoft harmed consumers.  He simply said they could, which was rubbish.

    If you want to worry about monopolies, worry about monopolies that are created by government.  Start with the U.S. Postal Service.  Did you know it is a federal crime for a private company to compete with the USPS to deliver first class mail?

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