
Why are the Democraps running so scared, they are making up lyes faster then greased lightening.?

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Why are the Democraps running so scared, they are making up lyes faster then greased lightening.?




  1. When you neo-cons lie, you repeat it to try and make it a false-truth and influence people's opinions...but when other's tell the truth about your candidates, you try and claim its a lie even if its proven true.  You people are truly demented...

  2. They need to just GO AWAY

  3. False Premise.

    Oh - and it's 'lies', not 'lyes'.


  4. Lyes! Holy c**p! They should be careful - that stuff is a serious corrosive! You mean "lightning" not "lightening".

  5. Why can't the average REPUGNICAN spell? lyes (lies) -   then  (than) -  lightening (lightning).

    Why is the average REPUGNICAN basically illiterate, then complain when Democrats want to improve education?

    Why is the average Repugnican so narrow minded that they'll believe anything that's told to them as long as its from another Repugnican?

  6. trying to be fair here, lies come from both sides, that is the nature of politics, it an ugly game of b.s...... you throw something at the wall and hope that it sticks, people are ignorant,they will believe anything you tell them, especially in the political area because emotions run strong, but rest assure my republican friend they start out at lies and eventually over time the truth is sorted out and facts develop out of lies.... it is a shame what some people do for a order to bring home the bacon they kiss their family good bye in the morning on their way to work and their job is actually to stir up mud and garbage on people......and some are good at it, they are called the spin masters, and do not think for a minute that they are not on both sides. sad, ugly job but somebody has to do it they say. still sad

  7. Thank God it's only lies that are being made up faster than lightening and not a push for war that was faster than lightening.

    Oh wait that was based on lies too, never mind.

  8. why do you think?  Palin scares them because they know if McCain gets into office  they will loss all there nice seats were they can make millions doing nothing.

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