
Why are the Democrats such hypocrites?When obama introduced good old boy Joe Biden as his running mate in >?

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>waiting i along with some others on here made a uncanny prediction that if John McCain might go up one on obama and pick a female as a running mate ,i for one said it would make a real logical sense ,she would get the disenfranchised dissatisfied Hillary female voters and John o john McCain delivered big time i for one am so excited but now the democrats are playing as the anointed one called it "silly politics" When they introduced Biden it was a big deal he will finish McCain etc confetti falling like the second coming of Christ! yet when GOVERNOR Sarah Palin was introduced now the hypocrites obama people are saying a vice president makes no positive effect on getting the nominee elected which is it FLIP FLOP DEMOCRATS obama?i mean who would you like to see on TV bat ears obama ?or hottie Sarah Palin?




  1. Obama actually was very cordial and congratulated Palin.  He said nothing against her.

    BTW I am not an Obama person

  2. They are all hypocrites....The dems and the repubs...

  3. Sarah Palin is not getting Hilary's votes. They are polar opposites and Hilary urged her voters to vote for Obama.

  4. If anyone who supported Hiliary during the primary season and is upset about not being picked for VP and is going to vote for McCain and Palin on that basis, the Democratic party does want anyway because you are not a true Democrat.

  5. Im seeing by this that you are Republican. The problem that the democrats have with Sarah Palin is the fact that John maccain said that Obama was unexperienced. Well look at John Mccain's VP. She has only been Governor for 2 years and before she was mayor. Is that enough to govern a country? I THINK NOT. AT-LEAST OBAMA HAS MORE EXPERIENCE THEN HER. Also so she has 5 kids and one that is about 6 months old. She shouldn't be even in this position because of that. Who is going to take care of the kids? Who is going to be there for the kids? Do you really think that she is going to spend every moment with the kids , no she is going to go and become VP. I find it to be wrong. John Maccain tried to pull an obama to get women's  votes, but guess what i dont think alot of women would be voting for him.

  6. Hypocrites?

    The only hypocrite is McCain.  

    For his entire life in the Senate, he has voted against women's issues.  Do you think all of a sudden that he has done a 360 degree turnaround?  NOT!

    He's using Sarah Palin.  And he's being very condescending towards women.

    Does he really think so little of that gender that he thinks he can parade a woman in front of them and they'll just vote for her simply because she's a female?

    Look at his  voting record:

  7. I would rather see Obama on TV---he speaks properly--he is for the american people--he will keep the americans together not separate---Who the h**l is Sara Palin???????   Never heard of the women. Sorry after Obamas Speech on thursday--and Hilarys speech on tuesday!!!! I AM VOTING FOR OBAMA!!!!!

  8. Obama picked Biden after careful consideration and for his foreign policy expertise. He knew Biden for a long time and admired his contributions to his country. McCain has only met Palin twice and used her gender to create diversion after Obama's incredible speech the night before. McCain probably didn't know that Palin dissed Hillary, accusing her of being a "whiner", so the odds of her bringing a lot of Hillary supporters to his side will be greatly diminished once she is better known. And Palin even said she has no idea what a VP does. I guess she wasn't interested enough to look it up. And I mean, as a woman, why would I want to watch a "hottie" on tv. That comment negated any value that rest of your posting might have had.

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