
Why are the English such a bunch of whinging pu55ies?????

by Guest57515  |  earlier

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I can't wait to see Australia put them out of their misery.Poms suck big time!




  1. Poms May suck big time! but they don't all come from criminal stock

    Do you know how to tell a Real Australian ?????? down a bit

    They still have the shackle marks around their ankles

  2. What ever trever  were gona kick your *** today just bitter about 2003 eh

  3. Are you referring to all 50 million of us, or just some in particular? Ever heard of two phrases which come to mind reading your poor choice of words ? a) Sweeping generalisation and b) massive chip on shoulder?

  4. I gotta say it...... I was born English, am a New Zealand citizen and work in Australia. So I am perhaps the best qualified to answer this question.

    By and Large I am embarrassed to be referred to as being English, because of the arrogance most show to any other race other than English.

    I love Aussies because although (some) are from convict stock, they built a bridge and got over it and now teach many English how to have a quality of life.

    As for sport, I would rather be on an Aussie bench than in an English team. As the saying goes... "when all is said and done, it's what's done, not what's said. Watch the scoreboard boys. Oh and by the way I am always Kiwi versus an Aussie team :) Go the AB's

  5. least your not bitter

  6. Hey Aussie , don`t know the answer to your question, It might be just about time for  George and that Grizzleguts Aussie Coach to pack and go home anyway.....But " rubishB,,, can you give me that chick called Sharron`s phone number ?,,,sounds like a good root

  7. No disrespect to any of the teams in the quarters tomorrow, but  being Welsh and having this rivalry with my English counterparts,   I would be the first to sl@g them off...........but must admit, the only whinging I have heard has come from the Aussie frigging surprises there then!

  8. people call us kiwis,the poms of the pacific cause we are so critical of our players and whing about everyone else,.I think its because we like the poms exspect alot from our boys and bloody get upset when they lose!!!!!!!!!!!GO ALLBLACKS

  9. Funny its the Aussie coach who has been whinging all week.  Just because they have the lamest forward pack in the World.  You can't pick the players you come up against but he's been going to the media, the referee anyone who will listen, my boys are precious please don't hurt them.  Shut up and do your job and let everyone get on with theirs.

  10. Because they've invented just about every sport known to mankind, but are absolutly rubbish when it comes to actually playing them.

    Get ready for another day of Pommie Pisspaul pathetic sporting endeavour 2moro.

  11. I'm a kiwi (not proud of it either) and I would rather have a beer with a pom than an aussie any day! The english are funny people who love to have a good time. Aussies think they are funny, but all they do is get pissed and try to root some chick called Sharon.

  12. You lost in 2003, time you got over it.

  13. now now.steady lad.

    if it wasnt for the english you wouldnt be where you are.

    dont count your chickens before they hatch.

    ( btw, im south african and hope to see you both lose )

  14. Connolly, the Aussie coach is the only one who has been whingeing this week. He is afraid the English forwards may be too physical for the Aussie forwards. Only whingeing p***y this week has been an Aussie

  15. let the f**s die ! Go Wallabies

  16. You better go home to Oz you big baby.  If you dont like it here then get out.

  17. ha ha you said that at the last world cup!!look what happend then!! world cup final and messed it up!! 1 johnny wilkinson!! you aussies are running scared! jog on

  18. ausies are english rejects anyway

  19. and why are you such a sore loser??

  20. boy you are a moron, grow up before insulting the Poms and of all things, wishing the Aussies would beat them. I mean come on!

  21. Sod off sheep shagger!!!!

    Q: What do call an Australian in a suit?

    A: The accused!!!

  22. Just thrash them and send them home, then they can whinge in their own country instead of the rest of the world.

  23. thats what makes them charming, im sorry is being a drunk rude idiotic aussie better

  24. auss lad .. all black =  s aficia  final,

  25. they're up for an a'ss wiping tmw anyway!

  26. In your dreams, LOSER.

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