
Why are the Geniuses on ESPN picking the Jets to get in Playoffs, just because of Favre?

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Does he REALLY elevate them to a Elite team? I mean, because as bad as Pennington's arm was, alot of the time, His Receivers just couldnt Get deep, they dont have a Deep Threat at WR.. There is no Jennings or Driver, or James Jones to Throw to.. There is no 5 Receiver set with the Jets.. ITs a New Offense...i understand How Good a QB he is, But The Jets Offense was near bottom of League in Every Categorie , and it was NOT all Pennington's fault... So Why should simply adding Favre and No other Offensive Talent,outside Faneca, suddenly make them a Contender, its not like they were close last year. And i Honestly Think Brett Realizes that, thats why there was no, talk of Him being the Finishing Piece...i dont think he wanted to go there, but he had no choice.




  1. favre will only improve your team  see who thought that of green bay in the 90s packers werent even givin the chance till the hired ron wolf when green bay gave up no.1 draft choice for favre that was warming the bench in atlanta

  2. They think the Jets will make the playoffs because the Jets have added a lot of guys in the off season.  They strengthened the offensive line (Faneca), a good FB (Tony Richardson) and Defense (Kris Jenkins).  Add Farve to the picture and Playoffs looks like a possibility.  

  3. I couldn't agree with you anymore. The Jets still aren't playoff contenders to me. Look at all the teams in the AFC that automatically comes into this season as playoff berth teams. I don't even see them getting wild card. I guess ESPN was trying to go off of guys in the locker room being motivated because of Favre, which is true. Just look at the Giants last year. They had the momentum late in the season. Still, to say they are a playoff team at this point to me is pushing it, and I also think Favre sees it to be the same.  

  4. The Madden curse will strike eventually

  5. Because they are enamored with the living legend Brett Farve. You know what no one is saying? Here are my thoughts and why I think that Brett Farve is going to really wish he had just accepted that 20+ million offer from the Packers to be a life-long Packer hero and company spokesperson...

    In New York he is older and unfamiliar with almost everything.

    He wanted to be in Green Bay... he does not even want to be a Jet

    Chances are that his body that has been so strong, will finally let him down. I believe that the Jets are going to suffer through a long season of intense media scrutiny and lackluster play from Farve.  He will not finish the  season as the Jets starting QB and if anything, a phantom injury will bench him if he plays too poorly. The AFC is a lot more competitive than the NFC and it is going to be a miracle for the Jets to make it to 8-8. A sad footnote to a career. I remember watching Marino slide when his brain forgot that his arm could not make the throws he once did... Maybe there will be no drop off from Brett, but the question is.... which year was the fluke, last year, or the two that preceded it... He will find out with a million Flash bulbs and the worst media in the country all over him.

  6. cuz they suck that ***** d**k all day

  7. He wanted Minnesota it was obvious, Didn't work, hated the warm weather in Tampa Bay which left the Jets, so yea he had no choice but them, the Jets have a horrid Defense, and they are picking them over my Vikings (Just by record,WTF?)..I really only pay attention to fans predictions and opinions...where you get the opinion from a fan of every team they will have a 7-9 season

  8. The Jets are good every other year since 2002... literally. One year they make the playoffs the next they are at the bottom of the NFL barrell. Seriously... look it up and you'll see. If continuity means anything... this year the Jets were gonna be good with or without Favre. My guess is this will make the Jets even better then they were already supposed to end up this year. Good I say... I am tired of all the fans complaining about how easy the Pats have it in the AFC East.

    GO PATS!!

  9. Jets were not his first choice, but they did make the playoffs two years ago and have done alot to make a run sooner rather than later.  The playoffs are a tough nut to crack in the AFC, PATS, Steelers, Chargers, Colts and Jags all should make it with browns, broncos, bengals, and now jets competing for one spot.

    They have a chance, but they are competing for a wildcard

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