
Why are the Germans still stereotyped as "n***s" till this day??

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World War II happened 60 years ago. Can't people get over it already? Doesnt it bother you when people make those idiotic stereotypes?




  1. Idiots love to put stereotypes on people, it's because it saves them from needing to think rationally.

    Germans are great people. I've met many, and none of which I would consider n***s in any way.

  2. I don't know anyone who think of Germans still as 'n***s', except maybe 80 year olds who lived through that time.  

    Unfortunately people stereotype what they don't know. I'm English and apparently have no/yellow/crooked teeth, speak like d**k van d**e, wear a Redcoat and am still upset about the War of Independence. It's just the way of the world.

  3. Countries around germany dont think of garmans as n***s. They like harrass them about it but over all everybody knows the war is over and Hitler has been dead for almost 60 years. All but americans, since i lived in germany for a 3 yrs, americans still ask me if i went to see Hitler. No you idot...i did not! He shot himself in the head after the war. Then they burnt his body along with his wifes and sprinlked there ashes in a river. However there is a rumor, that a part of his skull is in Moscow. But that cant be proven. Becuase i went to Moscow and looked for it, but our tour guide couldnt help us!

  4. Many years ago i bought a VW. People i worked with called it a n**i car. I live in the Detroit area and back in the 80's 'buy American' was a common slogan. My coworkers were partially joking and just teasing me, though one did explain that Hitler was responsible or involved with starting the VW company. "Volks Wagon" = peoples car.

    I don't think anyone who called my car 'n**i' was hateful or that serious.

    I'm half German and half Italian. I've joked i'm a roman-n**i, but joking because it's so ridiculous.

    Idiot stereotypes are bothersome, but joking around can be ok.

  5. I'm very surprised how so many are responding to this question saying that in their experience, the people of US are the ones mainly stereotyping Germans as n**i's.

    I have not lived a sheltered life, so I must say that in my 29 years of life, I have NEVER heard any fellow Americans refer to the German people as n**i's!  I suppose that  'Hollywood' may portray Germans a certain way for comedic purposes. I find it tasteless, and I should add that because 'Hollywood' is a certain way, it does not mean that the citizens of this country are. We know the difference between reality and television. We are far from what you see on t.v.

    As for CERTAIN people of the southern states, I really wouldn't doubt it.

  6. Because people learn from Hollywood and media instead of books and talking to Germans.

    And yes, it is annoying.

  7. When i got asked in america (i'm native german) i usually reply with "Do YOU - just because you're american - kill native indians and take away their properties? Or do you support slavery? No? Same here!"

  8. It doesn't bother me much any longer when I see Germans stereotyped as n***s in some movie. Those moviemakers actually do know better, but somehow there seems to be a tradition that you have to show Germans either as folcloristic and stupid, n**i, or, on the positive side, technologically savvy. But who cares about movies? People who know some Germans, or have even been here, know better. And that's what counts.

  9. When I was in the South of the US, people asked me where I am from and I replied "Germany" when I often got to hear "Htiler" "jew" "n**i" well I replied if they don`t know anything about me and my family they should shut up! Not even a part of my grand-parents were born at this time or were very young so what to do they want?!!?!?!

    At the moment I am living in the north of the US and here it is totally different, when people ask me where I am from and I say Germany they are totally happy and often they tell me that they went to Germany and that they loved it and that they think it is so fantastic there!

  10. yea, it also bothers me when some black people blame whites for the **** that we didn't even do now days anyway.

  11. When I stayed in the US as a foreign exchange student in Highschool, people bothered me with all kinds of stupid questions.

    Especially in American HIstory class.

    They seriously asked me how it is to have Hitler still as president...ugh... some of them greeted me with a elevated right  arm and so on.

    Worst of all was when I entered the class room and someone showed me a swastika n**i flag. I mean "Hello ???" has any of these kids ever gotten any education ? Thats so rude !

    What I did was to tell them, that I have nothing to do with what happened back then. That I am a normal person born and raised in Germany, which is abeautiful country and that its about time to get over that stereotype (but never forget what happened in history).

    Because I can`t take the antipatriotism in Germany anymore. Its so stupid to be forced to feel guilty for something

    that my generation didn`t do.

    All I can say, learn from the mistakes that were made in the past and never ever do them again !

  12. Schlo ever had a German friend maybe it was you?

    I am American born and bred and I have lived in Germany and dated two Gorgeous German Woman and most of my closest friends that you can count on and rely on are Germans! They are more loyal than most American friends I know who are selfish and fake.

    Blue is correct!!!

    I have no German blood in me but I have always said my kids will be half German.

    I think it is because most do not take the time to really get to know them. Some can be shy or quiet when no in their country as any one else can because its not your native tongue.

    As I said I have more close friends there than I ever had here because they are more down to earth and realistic and understand loyalty and what a friend is.

  13. It's something the Jews do.With their heavy influence in the news media and in entertainment it's easy for them to do.It's part of their effort to keep the so-called holocaust front and center in the minds of Gentiles everywhere.If people got the idea the Germans are no longer n***s,the Jewish holocaust industry and the sympathy they get from it would begin to collapse.The holocaust and Germans as n***s theme will be around as long as there are Jews to remind us of it or until there aren't any Jews around anymore.

  14. Ah give me a break.

    Every country has its sterotypes, most people dont really see germans as n***s.

  15. That just shows how stupid and racist this people are!

  16. Freedom of speech was better under the Third Reich.

  17. Actually in Germany (I`m german) we got over it of course it is still a shame what happend but thats the past...

    When I was visiting my aunt in the USA and I went to High School to see how the school system and stuff works here the pupils thought it would be funny to say stuff like "Heil hitler" and stuff and I was so mad that these stupid kids had no clou at all about the hole stuff than that!

    and by the way Hitler wanst german!! some people just dont understand :(

  18. Lack of education ?

    When we  moved to the United States in 2006 , my daughter was asked from her school mates , if she is a n**i.

    She laughed, till she was in tears(my daughter is bi-racial).

    She also got ask if the Gestapo still arrests people at home and  (after complaining about the expensive flight to Germany during the summer ), why we don't drive with the car ....

  19. In the USA, every time I meet a German "foreign-exchange-student" (usually a male, high-school age) they're RUDE AS h**l.

    It doesn't help endear the Germans to me.

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