
Why are the Irish good at producing great race horses?

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It cant be interlect,knowledge etc As we know they are short in the IQ dept. I should know I decend from the brain boxes.





  1. 25 years ago my father bought a stud horse from ireland...i took one look at the driver of the horsebox and thought..which one's the stud????   we are still very happily married to this day...and he's not short in any dept...even his I.Q.....

    Oh and the racehorses are doing great too

  2. As many others have said a lot of it is down to the stallions, and therefore the bloodlines, they have at stud in Ireland.  

    However there is a bigger reason behind the success of Irish horses:

    Agriculture is probably the largest employer in Ireland and so the Government do everything they can to promote business in their country.  At the moment they currently operate a stallion exemption tax, whereby stallion owners do not have to pay tax (or pay a very reduced rate) on the money they earn from their stallions' covering fees.

    As a result many of the big operation choose to stand their best stallions in the country.

    However, the stallion tax expemption is due to be withdrawn following a ruling in the European Courts that stated it is an unfair advantage against other countries, so only time will tell if the best horses continue to be retired to stud in Ireland, or whether they will start to spread around the globe a bit more.

  3. All about blood line nothing to do with the Irish!

  4. cuz theyre lucky haha get it Lucky

  5. its the tax exemptions : breeders get for sending horses to stud in ireland - though it stopped this year , so it will be interesting to see if the larger studs like the aga khan , Darley and Coolmore will stay in irealand once they hare paying normal tax.

    also ireland is the 5th largest producer of race horses in the world , so its good odds that they will produce a large amount of "great race horses"

    Ireland also has plenty of grass to produce horses , and the irish people are known world wide for there horsemanship skill.  

    also being an irish descendent does not make you an authority on the IQs of irish people . a joke or not we are don’t appreciate being called thick.

  6. It is the blood lines of the horses, and no how, any one with half a brain would work that one out themselves...duh!

  7. It's probably best to learn how to spell properly before disparaging others.  (Intellect?  Descend?)

  8. Bloodlines moron. -Some of the greatest thinkers have been Irish, so you can't get too down on them! Stop asking thinly-veiled racist questions!

  9. they have some of the greatest racing stallions in the world (think Coolmore stud in Ireland, America and Australia, all owned by them).

  10. The English began breeding the Thoroughbred, the Americans perfected the breed. Now the English, Irish and Australians buy them back from the U.S. and begin there own lines of breeding. In saying that let me also say that the English and Irish both are good naturally born Horsemen.

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