
Why are the Irish so proud of there crack? It is illegal and cocaine is not somthing to be proud of.?

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Why are the Irish so proud of there crack? It is illegal and cocaine is not somthing to be proud of.?




  1. its CRAIC you crack head

  2. It's craic and it means fun, laughter...

  3. craic is fun crack aint

  4. Craic, not crack. Fun, not drugs.

  5. Good attempt at a joke. Ali G used a similar line on his TV show some years ago. Alot of very "straight" Irish people here. C'mon lads, this is meant as a joke. Surely someone has a funny take on his question.

  6. I'm from Dublin clondalkin and its craic not crack but it is pronounced the same way and it means fun

  7. yes i agree with all these answers its prononced crack but its not a drug it craic and it means fun good time etc.  dont feel too bad i was confused at first when i went there and heard that .

  8. craic - it's an Ulster Scot word, means enjoyment, having fun.

  9. You should check and see whether it's crack or craic. Another spelling tip: it's our craic but there (your spelling, it should actually be 'their') crack.

    Irish craic has nothing to do with cocaine.

  10. It's spelled, CRAIC. So how about I CRACK your head?

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