
Why are the Japanese doing <span title="this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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Why are the Japenese killing in Australian Waters its wrong thet need to stop it as soon as possible..i went onto there website and the said the they are killing whales for research but there not..whales are a Delicacy in Japan...would the Japenese like it if we went into there waters and started killing animals




  1. The Japanese claim that their whale hunting is for &quot;research&quot;, yet surprisingly these animals taken for scientific research end up in the higher end sushi restaurants in Tokyo.  The research must be for Iron Chef

  2. Japanese ships are hunting Minke whales because they believe that they are helping with the fish population problem. I live in Japan, and whale meat is a delicacy here, although I speak out about it in schools whenever I have a chance. Japanese people are told a completely different story than we westerners are told, concerning whales.  They are told that there is no whale endangered species problem, and that whales eat too many fish and mush be culled in order to control their numbers. They are also told that whale meat is a cultural food, and that they have always eaten it.

    The fallacies of their arguement are as follows:

    1.) They group all whales together, not making a separation between Minke whales, and the big, endangered ones. Japanese people know nothing about the fact that there are only 200 Blue whales left in the world, and that other whales are also on the ropes.  This year, when the whaling fleet stated that they wanted to hunt 1000 Humpback whales too, the Japanese people thought that there was no problem with that. The reaction was total disbelief and surprise when the western countries, most notably New Zealand and Australia, strongly objected to this.

    2.) They believe it is a cultural right. They are told by their politicians that this is a cultural thing, while ignoring that it was a very small industry before WWII, and mostly only Ainu hunted them. Industrial whale hunting only occurred after 1945, due to a perceived food shortage. When the food situation stabilized, people had a taste for whale meat, and ignored the moratotiums on whaling in 1971 and 1986.

    3.)  The Japanese people usually believe that their scientists are better than our scientists, so their false data is true, while ours are lies.  It takes a lot for them to be explained to, that the rest of the world is not &quot;America&quot;, that there are many countries that want whaling stopped before the big whales become extinct.

    4.)  &quot;Research&quot; is a legal loophole around the International whaling moratoriums.

    5.)  Cultural blindness. Japanese people only want to know about their own cultural aspects to whaling, while ignoring that New Zealand, for instance, has a much stronger claim to cultural whaling, as their first settlers were whalers. the&quot;Nantucket Sleighride&quot;, a name for when a whale is harpooned, then it drags a small whaleboat and crew at high speeds through the sea until it exhausts itself, is definitely a piece of culture of America and Canada&#039;s East Coast, given up through the moratoriums.

  3. I honestly don&#039;t know.  But, why not worry about problems in our own country first, then we can worry about the rest of the world.

  4. Stop being sanctimonious , as if we Australians have any moral weight to throw at the Japanese , just take the carnage we inflict on Kangaroos and how much over fishing we do in our own waters .

  5. Australians have no moral high ground to stand on, we do things just as wicked but no one mentions them

  6. They are killing mostly Minke whales. That type of whale is in huge abundance in the ocean. The Minke is a bottom feeder with a voracious appetite which consumes cod on the bottom of the ocean before they mature and reproduce which interrupts and disrupts their reproductive cycle. Through their research they hope to develop some non-lethal way of stunting the reproductive cycle of the Minke whale.

    Norwegians do an annual cull on the Minke whale each year because of the same reasons regarding the Minke reducing the fish population.

  7. Tree hugger...You need to get the facts right before you jump to conclusions...I used to work in a large fish market...There was a type of swordfish that was listed on the endangered species list...A l;ady came up to me and said she was going to call fish and game on me because we were selling an endangered fish...She was wrong...Wrong side of the world!!!!!

  8. i ask them this question many time, non of them ever give me an answer!

    if they want to preserve their own whale eating culture, why they hunt it so far from home? why not do it in their own water and

    if they want to preserve their whaling culture why not use their cultural way to hunt it?

    they all will answer me some thing stupid, it was not even what i was asking.

    they will explain how whale eat their fish.. how long they has been eatting whale, how we kill cow eat meat, so on!!!

  9. I don&#039;t know, there is no market for the meat it has to be subsidized.

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