
Why are the Liberals so terrified of a strong woman?

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Clearly Palin terrifies the heck out of them and that is why they are attacking her like a pack of piranha's.

Is it that she is more manly than the Liberal men and yet more womanly that the Liberal women?




  1. Because she isn't a liberal.  She is living proof that a woman can be a successful career woman, family woman, and conservative.  People like her will put the liberal feminists who advocate a victim mentality out of business.  They are terrified of getting real jobs and will do anything they can to stop her.

  2. Liberals are strong women. This idiot wants to put her religion over our rights.  

  3. Have you ever heard of Hilary Clinton?!............

  4. Ohhhhh....wrong analogy to use there buddy...walked right into it.

    Piranhas don't attack because they are scared....piranhas attack because THEY SMELL BLOOD.  

    Simply put, McCain sent out a sheep to the is almost too easy.  

    But I thought this question about a strong woman, but then you talk about Palin....whats up???

  5. Perfect Observation

    you get a cookie

  6. have you forgotten about Hillary so soon ?

    HALF of the Liberals wanted Hillary to win the nomination !

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