
Why are the Mexicans work ethic so good.

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they come to work on time,do the work they are told to do,do not complain,and are very smart.they are amazing.they see the forest from the trees. i am of eastern European descent.




  1. Leaching of all the government benefits that they can is not a good work ethic.  

  2. They are taught better than most of the people in this country. I've worked with people who think that as long as they come to work, they should get paid. Thankfully my Mom taught me better, that it is stealing if you don't do what you are payed to do. My husband is from Mexico, and he was very poor, and has been working since he was 7. He was taught by his parents that you work hard no matter what job you are doing, that you are blessed to have a job and earn money. He now works so hard (legally) to provide for us as a family. They want more in their life, and they know how to get it.... Work Hard. But it isn't all Mexicans. We have some family that can't keep a job for more than a month because they are too lazy. But majority are hard working.

  3. BS they don't complain - I dated a man from mexico - he complained all the time about making only $8.00 per hour.

    Sweetheart they CAN'T get government benefits and those you see in the welfare office are probably puerto rican and they ARE citizens - who just can't make it off of next to free.

  4. because they come here for a better life for there family and do the work that Americans don't do even do they complain that mexicans are taking all the jobs!

  5. They'll do anything you ask them to support their family. Their life is completely based on work to live in our country.

    Remember: you must be specific... usually it's poor immigrants from Mexico, not the working class/middle class average ones.

  6. I do not agree. my husband words construction. he leaves to go to another site, comes back they are sitting around, when asked why they claim they didn't understand (my hubby speaks spanish). they leave work early on fri when they plan on going home to visit (they do not consider the US their home), or they say they didn't get paid all their hours so they leave early.  

  7. haha ok yes mexicans love you

  8. duh, how long ago did u cross the border??

  9. and yet the enter the country illegally , take reduced rates of pay , tke jobs away from the locals

  10. That "work ethic" only applies while the boss is watching.  As soon as the site supervisor, boss, whoever is in charge turns the corner, out come the blankets for siesta.

    And the quality of the work is so appallingly bad that often you have to hire someone else to rip out what they did and redo the job.  I lived in an apartment where they forget to ground the rangetop they set into the counter.  It took two trips by a licensed electrician to correct the problem.  They can't set a pedestal straight for a pedestal sink either, or level the bowl of the sink, either.  They are not worth what what they are paid.

  11. Because that is what they are here for.......TO WORK and make a living! They do NOT take jobs from Americans, the employers know their work ethics, and that is why they are hired.

    Last year, when Congress failed to reach a consensus on immigration reform, local and state governments looking to satisfy angry constituents were left to their own devices in order to address what some consider a serious problem: millions of illegal immigrants living and working in the U.S.

    For the quick-serve restaurant industry, the topic couldn’t be more relevant. Restaurants have a high turnover rate and need to hire workers to fill a constantly rotating kitchen staff. In many cases, illegal immigrants can end up on the roster.

  12. They are amazing allright,,as are you.  They are so stupid its amazing, trying to change the language of the country to spanish, too lazy to learn english.  to lazy to go home and come in the right way. too lazy to complain to their own government about their treatment in mexico, and they do NOT show up for work on time.  They may do what they are told but the quality of work is terrible.  So you don't know what you are talking about.

  13. Because they need to have good work ethic so they can feed their families

  14. We had a bunch of Mexican working at the construction company I worked at, they were always late, whined a lot so we fired them and they came back and stole our generator.

    I must be missing the good worth ethic you speak of.

  15. You are mistaken. I have heard many tales of construction work that had to be re-done numerous times. If their work ethic was so good their own country wouldn't look like a toilet.

    They do have the added incentive of going from 5 dollars a day to 10 dollars an hour without having to pay taxes.

  16. In my experience migrant workers from Mexico and "blue collar" and agricultural workers IN Mexico are reliable, hard workers.

    I believe the stigma of being "lazy" stems from the caste system deeply ingrained in their cultural psyche.   Like many "old world" countries, a distinct "peasant" class exists in Mexico...although today they are called "working class."

    Whatever the term, this class is expected to perform at one level and remain there for life.  With no illusion of upward mobility, the labor class is simply trained to do its job and then go home.  It is this attitude that is often seen by others as "laziness" or "lack of Ambition."

    Although trapped within their caste, the system does allow them to focus on things like family, church and their favorite football team.  Again, what I call an "appreciation for life," others probably call "frivolity".

  17. Ha ha  You obviously haven't been to places throughout Mexico where they happen to go relax the rest of the day from work when the weather is too hot for them to continue to do their jobs.  They eat, drink, and sleep in hammocks under the shade.  And it happens quite often.

    Where as a new report, just last year, has claimed that Americans are the hardest and more productive workers.  Second only behind the Norwegians.

    And employers don't go by illegals "work ethics"!  They go by paying them less, avoiding paying taxes, and benefits.  They can also abuse the situation because they know that illegals won't or can't complain to the wage and labor boards for shorted pay, and the long hours they are forced to work illegally most of the time.

  18. Is "made in mexico" synonomous with quality?

    I am of US descent.

  19. Because they're hungry - both literally and figuratively.

  20. If they are so smart and hard working, why dont they try to improve Mexico instead of running away.

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