
Why are the NBC commentators covering the Olympics such idiots?

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  1. They are talking about him RIGHT NOW here in Florida..

  2. One artical on Yahoo's news complains they can't even pronounce the city they are in.  It's prounced Bay- jing ("jing" like Jingle Bells) and not Bay-zheing.

  3. Calm down! They keep saying his name over and over again because he is such a good athlete! He has more Olympic gold medals that any others Olympian, he has gone 8 for 8, and he has broken the record for most golds in a single Olympics. The US is excited because finally one of those athletes that will be talked about for the rest of time has finally come from our country. He was the most anticipated athlete of the entire Olympics. And they talk about him so much because the people talk about him so much, and they want to people to be interested and to watch NBC, so they talk about what the public want. Why are you freaking out?

  4. lol You and the rest of the world. they think its all him, 2 medals he has one was tean events but nope its all micheal. test him for drugs,  

  5. I dont understand why people are getting so rattled about hearing about michael phelps? the guy is unreal. he smashed 7 world records, won 8 gold medals, became the most decorated gold medaled olympian ever, all in one olmpic game. The only reason why people are hearing about him so much is because he just made history beating a record that will be VERY hard to overcome...Also to the people saying NBC is biased showing mainly USA events, welllll ya? I would MUCH rather watch an event that my own country is participating in than a event where another country is.

  6. They are so biased its not funny. If America isn't in the event chances are they totally ignore it.

  7. NBC is bias but really, can you blame them? They broadcast in America so obviously they will commentate in a way that will appeal to its valuable viewers. However, they are overly negative and critical when it comes to the athletes of other countries. When others win something, they say it like its no news -- but when the US athletes does something minute right, they blow it out of proportion. Case and point, see Gymnastics women All-Around and the big news they're making out of Shawn Johnson and Nastia Ludkin.  

  8. Yes, me too!

  9. You people who complain that NBC is biased are so ignorant.  This is America.  NBC is an American company with an American viewing audience.  We Americans root for our team, the American olympic team.  Who do you expect us to root for, Togo?

    Guess you people have nonthing better to do than just *****.

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