
Why are the Obama's mad about the cartoon in the new yorker? can you name other folks who don't like cartoons?

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that's right!! muslims don't like cartoons, do they??




  1. Hmmmmm sounds a might bit fishy don't it.....

  2. no , Muslims do not like cartoons, Many a cartoonist has lost their head to a ticked off Muslim, Whats even funnier is that the New Yorker is a big time supporter of Obama.

    Just goes to show how Liberals shoot themselves in the foot and loose  elections

  3. Obviously no sense of humour.. and obviously did not read the article that was favourable to them... They are both whiners of the  highest order...

  4. Bush has been drawn as a monkey for years now. I never got mad about that.

  5. You're right!

  6. Correct.

  7. Usually, people are only angry if the joke hits a little too close to home.  That is, there is a lot of unpleasant truth in the joke.

    Now just because he was raised in a muslim country, (Indonesia), from the ages of 5-11, (the formative years), by a muslim stepfather, (the second muslim man his mother married), that doesn't mean that he is muslim or acquired any of their beliefs.  Not that there's anything wrong with that...

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