
Why are the Obama drones attacking Sarah Palin kid when obama own mother had him at 17 hmmm ?

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ok drones Palin kid isn't running for the white house either so we we say John McCain checked mated Obama




  1. Five words: Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemmings.

  2. You know..they probably don't even connect Obama's comments about how this topic is WAY off-limits.  He's not just being political.......he lived it.

    Obama supporters apparently don't care.

  3. They are liberals did you expect any different?

  4. Obama fans know nothing about him.  They just know he hates America like they do!

  5. Because Cons like Palin preach family values and abstinence only and then something like this happens.  Having a kid at 17 is in itself a non issue.  It's the fact that Cons go on and on about teen mothers and how they drain the welfare system, etc. and it's good to point out that not all teen mothers are Dems.

  6. Most of Obama's supporters don't appear  to be very political minded. They are mostly young first time voters. Who are caught up in the rock star Obama drama. Then there are the others who are voting solely on race alone too. Since you have so many shallow minded people that are unaware of the issues or just don't care. They try and discredit McCain and his party by ignorant superficial means.................

  7. Obama's mother had him at 18. She was a LEGAL adult. And no one is ATTACKING her, just the fact that CONSERVATIVES brush off the pregnancy as an "American family" when they preach abstinence and a ban on s*x ed.

    Teenagers are teenagers, their hormones will ALWAYS win out over "thou shalt not have intercourse outside of wedlock".

    Maybe if her daughter had had s*x education she would have known better... hmmm.

  8. Obama has criticized questioning Palin's daughter's pregnancy. Democrats don't have drone. They can think, you know.

  9. because Obama doesn't have a holier than thou attitude about "woman keeping their legs closed"  

    He's also not in favor of abstinence only s*x education, so that when dummies like Palin's daughter, "sin outside of wedlock", they don't get knocked up, because they don't know what are or how to use condoms.  Abstinence only= a lot of knocked up teenagers.

  10. because the messiah can do no wrong,and bashing his mother would serve really no purpose.

  11. When the Republicans figure out we aren't attacking the kid but the judgment of the mother.

  12. Because Palin is a hypocrite.  

  13. Perhaps because the Neocons thought it was appropriate to make constant unwarranted attacks on Mrs. Obama and her daughters.

    Obama's mother met his father in college. Seems doubtful she was a 17 year old mother.

  14. Well, if you must know, it reinforces what we've been telling you all about the success rates of abstinence only education.

  15. No one is attacking Bristol Palin.

    But we have to consider the horrific irony that the daughter of a woman who is AGAINST birth control and believes in teaching abstinence-only education is, herself, pregnant.

    That Bristol Palin is pregnant is her own business.

    That her mother, Sarah Palin, chose to thrust her daughter into the national spotlight in her condition is, in part, ours.

  16. Because if no one reads issues or takes the time to really take things seriously this is the only kind of questions and answers there are.

    I do not care about any of this as much as have a good government.

    I did my homework and am voting for Obama/Biden.  I am more concerned with science education. our economic problems, the debt we owe China and the fact that Palin is not at all qualified, she does not have education in Political Science or Government, she has not been in offices that are really heavy duty with complex problems or for long enough to qualify.  

  17. Because some of them are very sick people .

    And Obama is appalled he has lost control of them.

  18. Palin was held out as the VPOTUS - conservative values.

    That obviously clashed with what conservative values mean in relation to everyday life.

    No woman is perfect.  No woman is without her skeletans.  Obviously, if you are going to put up a person and tell women that they they should vote for her because she hunts, fish, is ultra-conservative and you don't take time to vet her lifestyle just to win some votes, then hey, her life and the life of her kids - the ones she is giving up a lot over political opportunism are fair play.

    Plus, speaking of Obama, you did not let him off the hook for Rev. Wright, y'all are still questioning his birth certificate and his Christianity all in the name of character assassination.  Turn about is fair play, eh?

  19. haven't you learnt by now that everything that reflects badly on obama is a "non-issue"  

  20. Because if they stick to the issues they have no chance!

    The only issues they have are hope and change. Whatever the h**l that means!

  21. I find the rumor-mongering and sexist nonsense that my party is embracing to the tune of "guilty until proved innocent" and "the ends justifies the means" to be contemptible and unworthy of the party that championed and WON the battles for free speech, free expression, and equality.

    Instead we find garbage like this.


    Democrats for McCain/Palin.

  22. Because Obama's mom didn't lie about it for months now did she? Obama's mom wasn't trying to be VP was she? And I'm not a d**n drone so don't compare me to a d**n machine when I'm a clearly living breathing human, you on the other hand might not be.

    Oh yeah, where's your proof she had him at 17?

  23. Only Trolls far as the difference in the two: Obama's mother wasn't running for political office...the daughter of Palin is. By the way; Palin's mother shared this personal information with the public...

  24. ok drones Palin kid isn't running for the white house either so we we say John McCain checked mated Obama mmmhhh I think not Obama's Mother was not running for a public office

  25. Drones?

    Well your question had potential to be a good question, until you genearlized.

    Also Obama's mother was in college and not living with her parents and not running for office.

    heres a generalized question for you:

    How come republicans are hypocritical when they know this is straight against everything they believe in?

  26. Maybe because Obama is not reasonable for his mother.

  27. Ahhh. Obama's mother is NOT running for the second highest office in the nation. You are trying to say that Obama is somehow responsible for the situation his mother found herself in. What an incredibly stupid statement!

  28. They are grabbing at straws. Who are they going to attack? a POW.  The person who has actually fought for their freedom to do so.

  29. generalize much?

    Can't you at least make a bit of effort and put an asterisk next to the word the in reference to some. I mean I am all cool being called an insult (Obama drone), but can you be just a little considerate.

  30. I'm a Hillary drone.

    Palin is a phony and a liar.  She stole her daughter's kid and pretended to be pregnant

  31. Obama's mother was a student at the University of Hawaii, not living at home with her mom, who holds public office, and supports measures to prevent teen pregnancy from happening.


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