
Why are the Olympics so much more focused on s*x?

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0 LIKES UnLike least more than in the past. I understand that it's a fight for ratings and s*x sells (heard all that before)...but it seems to be a lot about how hot women are instead of what they do. Tennis players are urged to wear sexier shirts and skirts. Other sports just get attention because the athletes are beautiful. Seems very superficial or has it always been this bad?




  1. yeah i agree im in OZ and we had on the TV last night about hottest and not, It was rediculous from magazine spreads to who will get the most endorsments, i think they've lost focus on the sports, It may also be the lame company there keeping overseas, no country but china seems to be impressed with the olympics, and i know im not that much either.

    oh and good call and good question.i dont think it has ever been like this.

  2. Eat, drink and be merry is the funda of the ultra modern age.  s*x is such a thing that can attract/distract any one easily.

  3. Historically, the Olympics have had horrible ratings whenever the games take place on any continent other than North America.    It's entirely possible that NBC is fully aware of this, and that they are taking what they feel are the necessary measures to remedy the situation (i.e., "sexing" the games up).   They've invested a ton of money into the Olympics for the next several years, and they want to make money, as any business does.

    Plus, let's be honest : most Olympic athletes are "here today, gone tomorrow".   Do you think anyone will be tuning in to watch swimming in the next few weeks?    Will anyone be talking about Michael Phelps in a month?   The answer to both is a pretty loud "no".   The networks and the corporate sponsors have to cash in while they can.    We are a short attention span society, and what we care about today we will be indifferent to tomorrow.

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