
Why are the PRSA international conferences so expensive?

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They are well over $1000, sometimes upwards to $2000 just to attend. Not to mention travel and lodging. What is the benefit for being a PRSA member if you have to break the bank just to attend these, supposedly helpful and beneficial, conferences??




  1. It  costs a lot, but def go, did you go to Philly last year at the national level? I did and it was great we met Tim Russert so when he died last week i was really sad :( it was great, Mia Farrow spoke about Darfur and then Tim Russert's speech was amazing too. I went with a few girls from my PRSSA chapter.  I am hoping to be able to afford going to Detroit this year too, even though I have graduated so I guess I'll become a PRSA member. I think its worth it, I met girls from Hawaii, there are HUGE networking advantages too I'm sure for PRSA members, I only know from PRSSA point of veiw but our advisor had cool things to go to during the conference too and she's a PRSA member.

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