
Why are the Rangers having a night game instead of a day game today?

by  |  earlier

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I was just wondering, because my dad was planning to take me to one last Rangers game before school starts (tomorrow ugh), and he couldn't because it's not a day game like most Sundays... And he refused to take me to a night game because "I need a good night's rest".

And a bonus question: What does your team excel at and what do they suck at?

Obviously the Rangers have a great offense and sucky pitching; how about your team?

Plus, I wanted to say bye for a little while, at least until I figure out my schedule with school and stuff. Because while I enjoy being on Y!A, school is probably more important. So if you don't see me for the next few weeks I haven't left for good; I'm just taking a short break. =)

So... Bye, everybody, I'll talk to you in a few weeks!




  1. Daytime baseball in north Texas during August is, well, pretty much like playing in h**l. The Rangers schedule night games to help avoid the worst of the heat.

    And it gives ESPN an automatic backup game if the primary Sunday night game is rained out, which has happened a few times over the past 19 seasons.

  2. Honestly i don't know whats what i always wondered myself lol

    1. Excel this year - at being Inconsistent and being Unhealthy

    Suck- at the same thing Inconsistent

    Aww why well i get what you mean school is coming i Start on Tuesday no , but do good in School see you soon

  3. Good luck in school and we'll see you online soon!

  4. Who knows why.

    I think its beacuse there looking for $$$  green. People get out of work by the evening so they can make it to the game.

    The team for me is bullpen issues.  

  5. Texas tends to play at night since its really hot outside. Sure it's still hot but its not getting hotter.

    Excel: offense

    Suck: pitching

    Good luck at school. I start tommarow as well . :(


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