
Why are the Republican women so much more attractive and less "manly" then Democratic women?

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Is that because they know their place is to be attracitve for their men?




  1. WTF??? You must still be using a rabbit ear antenna for your tv. If by attractive you mean lily white, triple-chinned, purple-haired, 200 year old, wrinkled, gas bags, I guess you're right. To each his own. I'm sure you probably like hanging out at funeral homes, too.

  2. No, its because Democratic women know you just can't get in office with looks alone and are ready to fight for what they believe in rather then hide behind policies and lie.  

  3. When you apply makeup with a putty knife and spend much of that republican tax rebate on plastic surgery you're bound to look good for the cameras.

  4. I didn't have that impression when I saw the pictures yesterday. Cindy is hot, there's no doubt about that and I would date her... LOL

    Most of the best looking people in America, particularly the ones in Hollywood will vote predominantly Democrat and therefore, your allegations are clearly false.

  5. Two Words

    Bella Abzurg

  6. Thats a lie.  I have seen a lot of ugly republican woman.  

    I am a hotty myself and i am better looking than Palin and at the same age but at least i do not go flaunting it like she does.  I have some respect for myself that is not open to the perverted old men.  Also, atleast i never had to go under the knife to get my looks.

  7. They look more "manly" because they are standing next to liberal girly men...

  8. No, it's because Dem women are so used to frowning from being bitter, their faces freeze like that. :-)

  9. Less manly?? The same reasons that republican men are old as sh*t

  10. Stretch Marks and Botox


    If you're talking Palin you're talking phony.

  11. Clean your glasses.

  12. i think you need your eye glass prescription checked dude!  

  13. because more transvestites vote democrat?

  14. haha.... Michelle Obama is the manliest one of all the Dem women.

  15. What?  It looked the cast offs from "Golden Girls" everytime I watched.

    Like the Grannies.  Do ya?

  16. it's because they are not afraid to be women and show their assets.  They don't think it's an embarassment to be a woman and looking attractive is neither a sin nor a crime.  

  17. They can afford more face lifts a spa treatments

  18. Less testosterone, more estrogen?

  19. i agree with the first answer..clean your glasses

  20. I saw a few women with dirty hair. If that's your idea of 'attractive' women, good for you.

    Further than that, I also saw a few old grannies wearing ridiculous hats.

  21. I think baracks wife is pretty hot, and im not even that attracted to black women.

  22. News Flash from the real world: Most real men don't find hair tied up in a bun, Ben Franklin pince nez and deep facial fissures very s**y.

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