
Why are the Republicans afraid of Osama Bin Laden?

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World News Tonight: Osama Bin Laden is still in hiding and efforts to find him has come up empty handed. The USA military states they know where he is but Pakistan Government says "NO" to the USA entering their country. The Republicans state they are a little leery of entering and trying to find him due to the all powerful men surrounding Osama Bin Laden.




  1. Osama bin Laden is the most hated person since Hitler.  The scumbag is hiding in some hole like Sadaam.  There are 'holes' all over Pakistan.  He probably only crawls out at night like rats do.  Evil rats should be exterminated as quickly as possible.  The only 'good' they do is to bring out into view other 'rats' that cheer his evil deeds.  So that we can see who exactly we have to deal with.  

    The better question is 'Why do Democrats tolerate evil Satanic amoral men?'.   such as OBL, OHB, George Soros, enviros, Al Goor, etc.

  2. First, the Republicans are never one voice (and neither are the Democrats) on any issue.  Second, I don't believe anyone is afraid of Osama.    And no one knows for sure where the man is, though we do have some ideas.  That, however, does not give us the authority to march into the mountains in Pakistan and start bombing suspected locations.  Remember, we play by the rules, and those who would export terror (our enemies who would seek to destroy us), do not.  That is what separates civilizations like that of the West from those who would have the world return to the dark ages.  Just be patient my friend, Mr bin Laden's days ARE numbered.  I can assure you in the meantime, he will live a very dismal existence.

  3. News Flash! He's not in Pakistan or any other "stan" for that matter. He's sitting on Bush's back porch in Crawford Texas drinking Jim Beam. That's why Ted Nugnet let That area! Remember the only flight allowed in the US on Sept. 12th was getting his brothers and sisters out of here! Why not water-board them?

  4. Republicans ar NOT afraid of him ..let us get our hands on him and we will PROVE that..

  5. Republicans? The US military is actively seeking Osama although he's probably already dead.

    If anyone is afraid it's the Democrats who control Congress-afraid that their hero Obama will lose if Osama or his corpse are found before the election.

  6. We're not afraid of him.

    Lets just say that your mother or father is killed in the 9/11 attacks?

    wouldnt you want to find the man that caused their early death?

  7. Lets say they find him. He would be a liability. He is already a hero and martyr in some parts of the world. Its better, he is never found.

    Lets get the our military back, to defend our borders.

  8. Actually most of the world is terrified of the Al-Qaida leader because as you said he has so many powerful men help him possibly doing another a disaster like 9/11 Although the leader of Pakistan and G.W.B both have extremely large suspicions being on the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan they have gave up on the search

  9. The Republicans are terrified of bin Laden as they are terrified of offending the people, bin Ladens family and friends, who run Saudi Arabia and fund the GOP.   Remember that Bush laid on a special plane to get Osama's  family and friends out of the US while all other air traffic was grounded after 9/11.

    When the GOP announced they had hard evidence that ObL had masterminded 9/11, the Taliban offered to hand him over on production of that evidence.  Terrified that they may be placed in a position of having to offend their funders, they invaded instead.  Have you seen that evidence- I haven't.

    Then, having the Taliban, al Qaeda and bin Laden cornered in the Afghan-Pakistani mountain border and again being in danger of capturing their avowed enemy, they decided that it was much more important to invade the country of their creation Saddam Hussein.

    The men surrounding bin Laden are powerful because they run the US.

  10. to tell the truth most real Americans forgot about Osama Bin Laden just like they will soon forget about Baraak Obama

  11. Laden is really a smart man.

    He leads al Qaeda well. Beside Pakistan Government, he is supporting by very able men in al Qaeda and Taliban. He did loss his battle field in the front line as Afghan and Iraq but he can move people in U.S. and has made American to live in the shadow of fear.

    The economic crisis in U.S. (property, credit and oil problems) are caused by the losing hope of future and U.S. citizens wasting their money to reduce their pressure.

    Of course, there are also a significant number of Arabian supporting him and pushing the oil price beyond the limit in the capital market.

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