
Why are the Republicans so against intellectuals?

by Guest21311  |  earlier

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They hate scientists, and constantly argue against scientific fact. They do the same with economists. They seem to have an issue with the arts. They constantly put down nobel prize winners Carter and Gore. And they constantly tout religion, which has been rejected by the most intellectual thinkers in history.

Guess if they didn't have non-thinkers as a base, they'd never get elected. Is that it?




  1. I contest that some of the "so called scientific data"  compiled was flawed, in regards to global warming. As far as your Nobel laureates Carter and Gore, it is common knowledge that the Nobel foundation is bias towards liberalism. It is Mr. Carters policies that has given rise to the conundrum we face in Iran today. As far as Mr. Gore, I've addressed that in the beginning of this answer. As far as religion, the only way to answer that is we will just have to wait until we are no longer of this world.  Good evening

  2.   A person that is really smart does not deny the existence of God! even Darwin himself de-nounced everything he believed in when it came his time to die. there is a big difference in thinkers and people who are smart enough to have common sense to know the real truth!

  3. now isnt this ironic? an idiot stating republicans are agianst intellectuals. have a star from me.

    did my star make you feel better little guy???

  4. oh really? i didn't know that!

    thanks for your uninformed opinion that proves how hypocritical democrats are!

    al gore's carbon foot print is 20 times the size of the average americans btw. so if republicans are so dumb, why are we the ones to see through him?

  5. Well I'd love someone to name one conservative theory that was forward thinking.

  6. cause we like common sense and down to earth people.  People that have a heart, a conscience.  If you don't have it, it's hard to explain to someone that has to ask.

  7. Because in church if you think on your own you are thrown out.  So, Republicans are kept brainwashed, ignorant, and  blinded by undefined words.  Many people place sports over country.  For example, when asked if people watched Barack's acceptance speech, one person in a statewide newspaper poll said, who would watch it the opening night of college football. That explains why out country is being sold to the highest bidder, our Pledge of Allegiance is becoming meaningless, and the word liberty is used as a cuss word by so-called conservatives.

  8. I'm so happy that President Obama believes in science as opposed to the ignorant neanderthal we've had for nearly eight years.  Religion is often the intellectual bypass.  

  9. I know just what you mean. Those dumb ole Republicans. I don't know how in the world they wind up owning those multi-million dollar businesses that employee the majority of Americans. I guess their boat just came in or something.

    It sure couldn't be because they have a brain and work hard.

  10. LOL..intelligent Americans laugh at you lib "intellectuals" who are so incredibly off base on EVERYTHING it seems like they live in some kind of bazaro world.

  11. "They do the same with economists."

    If you look at the Democratic platform, you will see that most of their economic policy has been tried before and failed. We don't need another New Deal.

    To be fair, not one of the Republican candidates with any real chance knows diddly about economics.

  12. (you've got it)

  13. Because they fear the unknown and the fact that people might find out that they are actually complete idiots or have ruined our country over the past 8 years.

  14. Because it does not buy into their philosophy of greed and getting it anyway they can!

    It is the same tactic used by the tobacco companies regarding cancer!

    They fought veterans for 12 years, who just won in 2007 after Bush's last appeal, with the government losing 6 times in court! They were denying benefits to those who have an incurable form of cancer (there is only 7 types caused by it borne out by government testing). The agent is Agent Orange and the Vietnam war has been over for a long time!

    Bush fought against global warming for 7 years and Palon says it isn't people causing it. Really!

    Republicans, according to the census, are less educated and make less that Democrats!

    ""They do the same with economists."

    If you look at the Democratic platform, you will see that most of their economic policy has been tried before and failed. We don't need another New Deal."

    Very funny. I guess we need more bail-outs like Bear-Stearns, the sub-prime industry (While you throw people out of their homes), the Savings and Loan industry, Chrysler corporation, et al!

    The largest wefare recipients in the US are those on Corporate Welfare! They are alsp the biggist frauds. Just ask Boeing!

    Right, we need a president who can put us an additional 3 TRILLION in debt while giving tax breaks to the rich.

    What has not worked is Ronald Reagan and his Voodoo Economics thought up by David Stockman, which Bush endorses: You steal from the poor and give it to the rich in hopes it "Trickles Down"! Guess what, it doesn't!!

    The New Deal bailed out the oil industry! And put this country back on its feet!

    "The New Deal Roosevelt had promised the American people began to take shape immediately after his inauguration in March 1933. Based on the assumption that the power of the federal government was needed to get the country out of the depression, the first days of Roosevelt's administration saw the passage of banking reform laws, emergency relief programs, work relief programs, and agricultural programs. Later, a second New Deal was to evolve; it included union protection programs, the Social Security Act, and programs to aid tenant farmers and migrant workers. Many of the New Deal acts or agencies came to be known by their acronyms. For example, the Works Progress Administration was known as the WPA, while the Civilian Conservation Corps was known as the CCC. Many people remarked that the New Deal programs reminded them of alphabet soup.

    By 1939, the New Deal had run its course. In the short term, New Deal programs helped improve the lives of people suffering from the events of the depression. In the long run, New Deal programs set a precedent for the federal government to play a key role in the economic and social affairs of the nation."

  15. It's astonishing, isn't it? You would think that every single American in this country would swell with pride at the intellectual accomplishments of ANY American. You'd think that all Americans would recognize that the superior  minds of some bode well for all of us - since every accomplishment under the sun came from such minds.

    But... NOOOOOOO! They have to talk smack about those who have accomplished much.

    It's so d**n grade school.

    NOW you understand why rush is so popular? Why Fox is so popular??

    They broadcast to the lowest common denominator. As in: Homer Simpson.

  16. There are numerous scientific studies that show conservatives have lower tolerance for ambiguity and complexity and a greater personal need for order and closure. They want a simple complete "answer" NOW. People who think make them uncomfortable.  

  17. Uh, argue scientific fact? No such thing, really. There are no absolute truths, and therefore we can argue whatever we want. There's nothing wrong with religion, and intellectual people have also believed in it, buddy. Simply being a nobel prize winner does not make you perfect.  Man, what do YOU have against people with more than one brain cell?

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