
Why are the Republicans talking about change despite the fact they had their chance the last 8 years?

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For the majority of the last 8 years, the Republicans have held the White House, House of Reps and the Senate. Yet they keep saying that "Washington is broken" Since they clearly had their chance to fix it, what makes you think they'll do anything different the next four years.?




  1. Please don't confuse McCain with Bush.

  2. It's quite simple,8 years of Clinton rule failed to produce Health care for all Americans,Bill got nafta started and many American Companies moved to foreign soil to get away from the high taxes leaving many Americans without jobs! He did nothing when terrorists bombed the twin towers from the ground floor,so they tried again on 9/11 and because nothing was done when Clinton was President,they thought Bush would sit back and do nothing either and Democrats along with Republicans screamed for retaliation,Bush answered their call and later the Dem's and Libs wanted our troops out! JFK made it clear that freedom and Liberty did not come without sacrifice,nothing has changed! Liberty and Freedom is bought with a terrible price,our Dads and Sons and Daughters and Brothers lay their lives on the line every day for this cause! Notice I said and our Daughters because they are brave and intelligent and their shed Blood on the Battle Field is just as precious and note worthy as their male counter parts! And Hillary or Sarah are just as capable to run this nation as are men! So both sides should stop bad mouthing our noble Women!

  3. “I think both of them (McCain and Obama) are equally unable to cope with the threat represented by Osama bin Laden, al Qaeda, and the Islamists. They really don’t have a clue about what this war is about. Mr. McCain is very confident, but he’s clueless. Mr. Obama is equally clueless. They continue to tell Americans these people are Islamo-fascists, and they hate us because of our freedoms and they hate us for our liberties.

    What they hate us for is the unusually virulent strain of obsessive compulsive disorder that’s present in the American governing class, and that’s called interventionism. That’s what the cause of this war is. And neither Mr. McCain, nor Mr. Obama, nor Mrs. Clinton, nor any of the rest of them who are in the campaign—except Mr. Paul, Mr. Kucinich perhaps—had that idea.” - Michael Scheur, former Head of the CIA's OSAMA BIN LADEN UNIT

  4. The rhetoric is a hoot. I am not sure what the change is.  I think they are trying to sneak one over andconfuse the voters that dont know an elephant from a donkey.

  5. They aren't talking change, that's Barack's BS. They're talking Reform, which is something different altogether. Pay attention. The Republican's held the senate these past 8 years? Really? Are you sure about that? Better check again.  

  6. The democrats have sure done a lot holding the congress the last couple of years.  

  7. They are trying to make Obama look like the bad guy.

  8. Nothing will change with the GOP; things will only get worse on a lot of issues. McCain will be the Herbert Hoover of our generation.

  9. They had a chance to change things 4 years ago but instead, chose to send Bush Jr back into the White House and keep Karl Rove out of the Big House.

    And there is no difference in change and reform.  Both mean to alter.

  10. Ah yes REFORM. The Republicans took control of the white house in 2000 after 8 years of Democratic rule.

    Since that time: 9/11, War in Iraq, War in Afghanistan, RECORD budget deficit, RECORD number of federal employees (over 2 mil. new since Bush took office)

    The only thing they can reform is their own behavior over the last 8 years. The fact that democrats have held congress since late 2006 is HARDLY enough to put the majority of the blame on them..

  11. The Democrats wont do anything either, do have not done **** in Congress to get us out of the war or anything else as a matter of fact

  12. Because they know that they have some "accountability" issues.

  13. Marina's answer slays me.   Is she joking ?  Is she pretending to be braindead or is she really like that ?  

  14. Change means different things to each party- the Reps feel that change should be in acts of reform within the system and the Dems would like to rewrite the Constitution to gain change.

    An example is the current health-care issue- Dems would make it a Constitutional right and Reps would reform the health-care system to make it affordable. While both are well intended only reform adresses the economic side of the issue and that is conservative.

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