
Why are the Republicans trying to find a way out of their convention?

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Bush and McCain didn't show up for Katrina, so why are they faking like they care now so much that they have to drop their convention? Do you think people in New Orleans really care or want to see them now?




  1. Because there is no way possible to match the DNC.  

    Sen. Barack Obama’s historic speech Thursday, accepting the presidential nomination during the Democratic National Convention, brought in 38 million viewers across 10 networks, setting a convention record.

  2. They were at a party last time.  It would not look good if they were at another celebration again.  

  3. dont be stupid.

    repubs have our support.

    thanks...hillary! we love you!

  4. Because Republicans care about our fellow Americans.

  5. i highly doubt it.. BUT the elections coming up so.. they gotta 'look' good!

  6. You libs are never happy. If they had the convention while New Orleans was being pounded by a hurricane you would call them coldhearted and uncaring.

  7. They are not trying to get out of their convention there is a hurricane coming stupid liberals will say anything to trash the good guys get a clue mabey if the dems would get a decent canidate for once they might do some good Bill Clinton wasn't bad the only stupid thing he did was the brady bill we better hope McCain wins for all our sake

  8. No, except now they have an excuse for not showing up!

  9. When you have a failed presidency of Bush and all the bad things happening under the repub clock, then whats there to brag about in convention?

    Mccain cannot criticize Bush presidency or even admit economy is bad or too many lack health insurance......because doing that would make him go against the party he represents. With such restriction,  he has almost nothing of substance to say in convention as to why the next "4 years should be the same as the last eight"

    Basically his theme is '4 years more have to be like last 8 years'. That is very hard to sell and so they are trying to avoid convention.  

  10. There goes the finder pointing for Katrina

  11. Because McCain will lose the election if he holds a party while people are suffering.  

  12. first you complain that they didn't show up for katrina. now you are complaining that they are canceling the convention for Gustav? will you people ever make up your minds???

  13. tell me about it, maybe because of the elections coming up,, they are so losers????/ OBAMA BIDEN08

  14. Because they know they're on the losing side and that Bush and Cheney going there to speak to make things much worse.  There would a a lot more Americans protesting, too, if they showed up!  

  15. I don't think they are putting on a show.  There are two things I see here.  The first is that, the Republicans know better than to hold a convention with celebrations while a U.S state is in turmoil. Secondly, I truly believe that lessons have been learned from the past.  We all know Katrina was handled poorly.  The last thing anyone wants is another mess to occur because the aide was not distributed fast enough or people were not evacuated soon enough.  It would be disrespectful for the Republicans to hold a convention while others are suffering.  If they were to be that insensitive it would make the party look worse than it already does, and it would cause many to believe that the Republicans do not care about the welfare of a state when it is in its darkest hour.  

  16. My question is, Why WOULDN'T they want to have a convention? That is stupid: finding a way out. Phhh!

  17. Yeah, they are damned if they do and damned if they don't.  At least they aren't laughing about a hurricane.  Watch this as 2 dims (wits) laugh about a hurricane hitting New Orleans.

  18. they have nothing new to tell the American People... they just need a convention to nominate... then they will just attack Obama with 30 second attack ads and claim they won't debate unless they have a town hall debate so they can fill the place with plants.

    not to mention that George Bush 43 already blew it on Katrina so they almost have to go...  they were eating McCain's birthday cake while fire was burning on water last time...

  19. They are concerned for people of New Orleans facing another Katrina in their area.  The attention of all political figures should be focused on the people who live in New Orleans, since they might all go through devastating hurricane storms.  They are not trying to find a way out, they are being focused and concerned!  If you have ever faced 150 miles per hour winds, you would understand the concept.

  20. Because they are being sensitive to the plight of those in the path of a hurricane.

    Why do you neeeeeeed it to be something more?

  21. Yes, Bush clearly didn't care about Katrina. The Republicans took such a bad hit that they now feel they have to pretend compassion and sympathy.

    It's BECAUSE Bush delivered a birthday cake to and partied with McCain while NE drowned that McCain is bending over backwards now.

  22. Are you sure you arent hiding behind a brunette avitar?

    Why not just have Obama lift his golden cane and split the water as it approaches the land mass?

  23. OMG you liberals are so freakin' dense...

    By the way, where was the "Great Cruisader," the man with all the answers B. Hussein Obama when Katrina went down?  I thought this guy would have walked on water in order to save New Orleans, right?  What happened? WTF???

  24. This is your "compassionate Republican party" at work. You know, the party of the people, by the people, and for the people. They've cut off all but two and a half hours of opening activities for the RNC. Compassion for the people: pulling their cash out of Minnesota where the waiters, waitresses, parking attendants, busboys, and bellboys need the business to take care of their families.

    John McSame is in lockstep with Bush. When Bush said that he and Cheney wouldn't show up, Johnny Mac told everybody to scramble and scrap plans for Monday. He really doesn't know what to do if Bush/Cheney don't give the word. I guess he thinks that by him and Ailin' jumping in front of cameras in Mississippi and trying to look presidential, that he was fooling someone. Of course, if Obama and Biden had done that, they would have called them presumptuous.They are such a bunch of hypocrites.

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