
Why are the Republicans trying to scare the public over Iran?

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The latest McCain ad makes Iran out to be the big bad wolf ready to devour little Israel unless America stops it.

Like most of the senseless propaganda about the country, it seems the GOP needs to find solace in a foreign enemy to justify its views.

Iran has never threatened to attack Israel, commit genocide or anything of the sort. Its President stated he wished the Zionist state had never been created and should collapse like the the apartheid regime in S. Africa did, but there is a h**l of a difference between that and proposing nuking Israel.

On the contary, Israel has repeatedly made it clear it wants to attack Iran and risk Iranian retaliation against US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.

So who do the Republicans think they are going to fool this time with their empty rhetoric?




  1. You suffer from a lack of knowledge or truth.

    Iran has been the primary supporter of the groups which are constantly attacking Israel, Hamas and Hezbollah. Iran's president has openly and repeatedly threatened to wipe Israel off the map and edrive her into the sea.

    If you are not concerned about a terrorist nation whose leaders are fanatics who would love to be martyred, having nuclear weapons, you need psycho therapy.

  2. Exactly.

    And for once in sixty fcking years, Israel should be working on their own problems, not getting other nations to fight wars for their benefit.

  3. Well we Americans are so unreasonable you should emigrate to lran where you can show how wonderfully peaceful the leadership really is

  4. I don't need Republicans to scare me about Iran.  Iran does that quite well all by itself.

    a nut job dictator with nukes who proudly proclaims aggressive future use of said weapons, and further specifically against Israel should be considered a rabid savage that must be controlled or killed.

  5. Trust me appeasement does not work, ask Neville Chamberlain.

    Can you think of anything more dangerous than a bunch of religious fanatics (Muslims) having nuclear weapons, especially when they feel the have a duty to die and take as many infidels with them as possible

  6. You are someone who is Iranian and been to Iran several times I have a good understanding of Iranian politics.

    Most people forget that Ahmadinejad is NOT commander-in-chief of the military meaning he has NO authority to launch an attack on Israel even if Israel attacked Iran first.

    Its good to see there are people like yourself actually read the dictation of what Ahmadinejad actually said.

    note to JWthoughts- you are correct. As you stated the Republicans are wrong about him, your friends must be highly ignorant of Iranian politics, since most Iranians I know (friends and family) and people I have conversed with back in the Iranian country itself all know Ahmadinejad is just a puppet with no power, the mullahs hold the power and they time and again maintained they'd never attack a country unless attacked first...if you even glanced at the Islamic Republic of Irans constitution you'd know this.

    Edit- JW HAHAHAHAHHAH if only you knew...I just returned from Iran a month ago to attend my cousins wedding, I was in Tehran, Kerman, and I visited Mashad..I converesed with several professors, and others while I was there...not to mention my friends here in the states....out of the MANY MANY Iranians I have known (including myself and a family friend who was formerly Ayotollah Khomeini's personal physician) I am yet to meet one who shares your beliefs...and it is the Supreme Leader Ali Khameini who is in control of Iran not Mr. Ahdmenijad, he can veto and or dismiss the president by his whim....I cannot fathom how you can have so much contact with Iranians yet are woefully ignorant of the Country and government.

    by the way there is no "middle eastern celebration" if you REALLY had close Iranian friends you would know the correct term is "Nowruz" pronounced "noor-ooz" Which is the Iranian new year celebration primarily celebrated in Iran and in a few other countries but not a lot of other middle eastern countries celebrate it.....all my non-Iranian friends know profess to have close Iranian friends yet you don't, very interesting.

    here look at the constitution for yourself fo to Chapter 3 Article 110 to see that it is the Leader not the president who controls the military.......

    p.s the leader and the president are two completely seprate offices.

  7. I bet your not a very good pastor. You need God to be a good paster.

  8. Fear mongering about war is one of the things they do best.

  9. Where have you been?  Of course they have threatened Israel.  Ahmedinejhad truly believes that he is supernaturally protected by Allah.  He believes that his people are supernaturally protected through him.  He also believes that it is his destiny to wipe the little satan (Israel) off the planet, then defeat the big satan (USA).  He openly states this.  What hole have you been in.

    By the way, some of my very best friends are from Iran.  They say that the republicans are wrong about Ahmedinejhad.  They say that our passive minds cannot imagine the evil that he is.  They cannot believe that people like you do not take him serious.  He has openly promised to Iranians that he will wipe Israel off the map, and that the US will be next.  He is trying to get nuclear weapons, and will never stop until he has them and uses them.

    ADDED:  You are falling for the liberal (terrorist loving) lie.  My information comes directly from Iranians who have HEARD Ahmedinejhad say ON MORE THAN ONE OCCASION that HE would wipe out Israel and that He would defeat the US.  You quote one part of ONE speech and think that it is all he said.  PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE SAND.  There are a lot of bad people in this world.

    Dark Seid...ROFLMAO!  You have OBVIOUSLY NEVER been to Iran.  I have visited once, and am friends with many.  I attend the Middle Eastern New Year celebration annually, and my daughter is engaged to an Iranian.  To even pretend that Ahmedinejhad is not in full control of that country and it's military is to pretend that the president is not commander in cheif when not in war.  That is not his title during times of peace, but it is CERTAINLY in his power.

  10. yes, Israel has big plans for our Military and weapons and money, that is to take out all the hostile Nations that are in their way, and that is about ALL of them~!

    Iran is next on the list, then Syria~!

  11. errrrmmmmm....didn't Ahmadinajhad threaten to wipe Israel off the face of the map?

    I also thought Senator Obama saw Iran as a threat?  If he doesn't, then it only strengthens my support for Senator McCain.

  12. Their missiles can reach Israel and Europe.  You are a fool to not see Iran for what it is.  

  13. my logic is that if some other country is supplying terrorists with explosives and working on their nukes, i'd be concerned.

  14. They want to distract from the fact that Bush policies had made Iran stronger. By invading Iraq and Afghanistan, Iran had no other competitors in the area. Since America is tied in two fronts, Iran can be a jerk on a third. We traded one threat for another threat but the trade was not equal because of the price paid in Iraq.  

  15. 30 years ago Iran was just a blip on the Middle East map - that no one cared about but other Middle Eastern countries and Israel.

    Over time Iran's government  has made no secret of the hatred for Israel or the desire  "wiped off the map" or  Israel is "heading toward annihilation," . Maybe the lose of that many human beings is small or trivial to you - can't tell how you see the death of millions that aren't Americans.

    When Iran test fired Shahab-3 long range (1,250-miles) range missiles that can reach Europe - I guess Israel was wondering if they were next.

    But that's okay - Iran's leader is a racial man that harbors no hatred for anyone and only wants nuclear power as Iran is running out of oil reserves. By their own claims ( National Iranian Oil Company ) - they only rank 3rd in world when it comes to  oil reserves  

  16. Scare? Scare!?  Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says "Anybody who recognizes Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury", “Iran is ready to transfer nuclear know-how to the Islamic countries due to their need.” denies the Holocaust happened, described Israel as a "fake regime" that "must be wiped off the map", is close to nuclear bombs & already has missles & you wonder if you should be scared!?

    You should be shaking in your boots.

  17. So are you defending Iran seeking nuclear power?  Maybe you should move there.  Just a thought.

  18. McCain has at least one big name neocon on his campaign adviser squad.  (Robert Kagan, brother of Frederick who co-authored the "surge".)  Since McCain has been described as someone who never saw a war he didn't like, he represents easy pickens for someone like Kagan.  The rest of the GOP has various reasons for pushing for the assault on Iran.  (More oil, more defense contractor boondoggles, one less enemy for Israel.)

  19. Republicans want to scare you about Iran so that when a Democrat mentions aligning with them to fight terrorism then everyone will think it's stupid and crazy... when in fact, it's the only way to get anything done...

    Harboring Terrorists in Pakistan with our tax money is Bush's solution... and I think we can all agree that that doesn't work!

  20. If you seriously don't think Iran is a threat then you must live in a cave. Try educating yourself on things before you post this c**p.

  21. "Iran's new president created a sense of outrage in the west yesterday by describing Israel as a "disgraceful blot" that should be "wiped off the face of the earth".

    October 27 2005  

  22. Well, its not "republicans".   Don't get caught up in a sound byte.   Some small group of people are making the lions share of 12 billion dollars a month, from "services" for the Iraq occupation.  Those people are not patriots, they hate america, and they don't care if the country collapses in debt, as long as they make their blood money.  Imagine if the world was at war and the bill was 120billion a month, or 500 billion a month.    The USA would not last long, but whomever those people are sure would have a great time of it.    Can you think of any companies that got "no bid" contracts, have virtually no oversight, and anyone that complains gets kicked about "national security"?

    Follow the money.  You'll see who wants to drag the country into more stupid occupations, waste our soldiers, and destroy the country with debt.  Why are so many people on this blog more worried about Israel than the USA?

  23. so your saying them wishing that israel never existed is different then them wanting them not to exist??? your gonna have to explain that one to me, either way, they hold a deep, and not to mention senseless, hatred towards israel.

  24. your ignorance is astounding

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