
Why are the USA's rich hoarding their money in Lichtenstein???

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Why are the USA's rich hoarding their money in Lichtenstein???




  1. What else would you have them do with it, give it to you?

  2. because the euro retained its value as the dollar has plummeted . why is bush refusing to publish the M3 numbers ? how much more 'paper' money does he plan The Fed to print ?why do they refuse to inventory our gold stockpile ? is it gone ? time to study how to live an agrarian lifestyle , off the grid  . soylent green is people .

  3. They've also got it in the Bahamas and Switzerland and any other place were they have such banking laws. They always have.

  4. You think we're dumb enough to leave it laying around the US so Obama can confiscate it ?

    Liberals who think the rich pay taxes are such a joke, we just move the money out of the country with the click of a mouse

    This is why the Obama tax plan of soaking the rich will never work.  What will happen is the rich just pull their money, companies move offshore, jobs are lost, and the rich are still rich.

  5. We like the name.

  6. because of the Criminally high tax rates here in the USA, hopefully the idiot who sold that information gets hung

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