
Why are the USA the only country in world that doesn't display China first on the Olympic results score board?

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  1. US is using the "Medal Count" system. That is the total number of medals. Some countries are using "Gold - Silver - Bronze Medal count" system. That is number of gold medals goes first then silver than bronze. That makes a country possesses one gold medal has a higher ranking than a country possesses 5 silver and 10 bronze medals but no gold medal.

  2. when you brain wash people you do things like that

  3. In the US they count on the number of medals, while in other Countries the "value of the metal" is more important.

    I partially agree with Peter: that way a nation that won 1 gold medal, 0 silver, 0 bronze would be ranked higher than a Country that won 0 gold, 10 silver, 10 bronze.

    BUT assuming 10 gold, 0 silver, 0 bronze is worst than 0 gold, 15 silver, 20 bronze is silly the same way.

    Perhaps a good compromise would be giving 5 points to gold, 3 to silver, 1 to bronze and making a score board out of that.

    Or, easier, at least showing both boards, by numbers of medals and by the metal. You can't say there's a lack of space on the internet, for that, and not even on a newspaper or a magazine, after all...  

  4. because we are the best  

  5. Pride. But The USA has scoreboards of them 2nd so don't instigate.

    I personally don't like these scoreboards. They are media based and the IOC does not like them as well. They take away the effort other countries are making in the olympics. You only see the big fat countries there. What about all the small countries that are trying frekin harder than everyone else but don't get a medal?

  6. because they're oging by total of medals all tgether and everone else is going by number of golds which is what you're suposed to do, the US just wants to make themselves llok good but they'll always be second

  7. My theory is that the US like to treat everyone as winners, so the gold is the 1st winner, silver the 2nd winner and bronze the 3rd winner, as opposed to gold as the winner, silver is the 1st loser and bronze the 2nd loser.

    So to us, all medals have value, it's not just about the gold.

    Either that, or sometime many years ago, someone in the US media thought, hmm let's be different and count all the medals.  But either way, the US has consistently ranked countries by total meda, it's not just from these games.

  8. USA can't count.  They think that a 10 is higher than 20s

  9. You should be asking this about Yahoo, those are Yahoo sites.  The US and the US Olympic committee does not dictate what Yahoo shows.  This is not the US displaying the list, it is one company, ask Yahoo.

    That being said, on the US Yahoo site (and most non-Yahoo sites) they show the country with the most total medals first.  This is reasonable.  For some reason, Yahoo in these other countries shows the country with the most Gold medals first.   That is the reason the lists do not all show China as first.  

  10. the ioc is bribed by china to show china first on the medal count

    no duh

  11. Because all the other countries SUCK in comparison to the USA. We rule the EARTH!!!!

    Oh, c**p. I'm Korean. Scratch that last message.

  12. Because we're arrogant.  Go USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. This is my personal opinion:  China's gymnasts are not 16.  They changed their ages on their passports (cheated) to have them be able to compete.  Even though we won in the end (women's all around) it was still too close and the judges were favoring the chinese.  Even the announcers were upset.  I watched every single one of those girls perform and having some experience myself I KNOW that those girls are underage.  No you ask, how does this tie into your question?  Because China does not deserve a spot on any list until they prove (by blood tests) that those girls are old enough.  How stupid do they think everyone is?

    But that's just my personal opinion.

  14. Because currently the USA is in the lead for most medals. It would make sense to put the leader first on the scoring board. Yesterday on NBC for Olympic Zone, China was first when it was 38 to 36.

  15. because the us has most medals. imo it would be silly to go by gold medals cause say a country win 1 gold medal and thats it. another country say wins 10 silver and bronze medals but that one country gets 1st cause of the one medal.  

  16. Because the USA is proud of all the medals we've won, not just the gold.  And because we're leading in total medals.

  17. all the other countries must go by how many gold medals...

    but hey, we're America. we like to think highly of ourselves lol.

  18. Gee I don't know maybe it's because NBC is using an overall medal count as opposed to just a gold medal count. They did this even when America was not the medal leaders. If you think about it, just going by gold medals alone is kind of disparaging to the other medal winners. It says "you won something but really you medal means nothing," which many may believe to be true but it hardly the spirit of the games.

  19. Because USA wants to be different and they want their country on top of the table.

  20. That seems like the most uninteresting question ever asked. It isn't because it isn't. Who cares where they put themselves or anyone else.

  21. Americans can't accept losers. They think they are the best in everything LOL.

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