
Why are the american mutts afraid of nationalism?

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Why are the american mutts afraid of nationalism?




  1. Your use of the word nationalism is fuzzy at best. Do you mean that we do not put enough pride in our country? I would say American pride is very affluent even if misguided many times. Although personally I feel a lack of pride is seeing the flaws in our system, which leads hopefully to a new system or improvement which should be the goal of every nation.

    Or you could mean that Americans don't think America is the best. That wouldn't be accepted by anyone. If anything Americans think to much that America is number one in everything.

    Honestly I don't think your question merits a real answer until you better phrase it. OH and the word mutt seems like an odd choice I don't even know what that means. If you are referring to the many origins of Americans I would say that your question is frivolous because your to closed minded to accept the answer.

  2. So why do you afraid of it h ?

  3. First of all, Im proud of my diverse heritage (which includes American Indian too) , and its anything but mutt. I come from a fine old family.

    I love America, and she is the finest country in the world, and I'm very proud to call myself an American!

  4. get your hot doggies!

    buck fifty    buck fifty

    get your hot doggies

    buck fifty   buck fifty

    get you........

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