
Why are the arteries present deep in the body?

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  1. to protect you-

  2. they are your life line, and you dont want to damage them

  3. The deeper they are the safer they are!

  4. Arteries are the largest blood vessels and if punctured, are death dealing.  They need the most protection.

  5. the arteries carry blood away from heart so the have to reach closet to the the blood tisues so that oxygen reach to every part of the body for proper working

  6. so if you cut yourself you don't bleed to death!

  7. it's the safest place. considering that if you pierced an artery you would die, so deep in your body would be the safest place for them.  

  8. Being deeper in the body and muscle masses, they are less likely to be injured.

  9. Arteries carry blood directly away from the heart under high pressure. This pressure is necessary to push the blood through tiny capillaries which then flow into the veins and back to the heart. The pressure is spent in the capillaries and the veins are lower in blood pressure than arteries. This is why veins are closer to the body surface. Damaged arteries loose a lot of blood because it is under high pressure. Arteries even squirt blood in rythm with the heart. Veins do not squirt blood but loose it in a slow, steady flow. Arteries being located deep inside the body is a form of protection organisms evolved to survive potentially  fatal injuries.  

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