
Why are the bad guys winning so much lately?

by Guest66942  |  earlier

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President Robert Mugabe was sworn in for a sixth term Sunday just hours after officials said he overwhelmingly won a discredited runoff. His main rival dismissed the inauguration and said the next step would be power-sharing talks.




  1. The good guys only win in movies and on rare occasions in reality.

    Bad guys win because they will do anything, they do not play by the rules (i.e. ethics).  The good guys are bound by them.

    Sorry but in white hats vs black hats

    black hats prevail

  2. Because the bad guys are willing to murdur, bribe, and blackmail their way into power...

  3. Power and influence are both a means and an end.

    "Bad Guys" more often than not, see this.

    "Good Guys" see power and influence as only a means.

    Certainly, power corrupts. But there are those amongst us that were corrupt even before they began to seek power.  

    It is mighty unfortunate that many of those who actually achieve power, don't know what to do with it. They get so focused on gaining power that they lose sight of what needs to be done in order to legitimize that power, let alone keep it.

  4. Because bad guys know how to manipulate stupid voters, and manipulate the elections in their favor. When a bad guys wins an election, it says more about the electorate than the elected official. Zimbabwe is just not a desirable place to live or visit.

  5. maybe because we forget to pray.  turn to God and He wil heal our land. turn away from God and take your chances.  i prefer to pray for our country and it's people and for other countries and their people.  maybe if everyone was praying good things in their own religion, the bad guys might not be winning.

  6. Maybe you are just overlooking the good guys that win, and only focusing on the bad ones.

  7. because the bad guys have all the money or the suport of the people with all the money.

  8. Because the good guys are dumb slices of ****.

  9. Before you ask that question you should ask yourself a more serious and open minded one...

    How do we know we are the good guys?

    Think about it, you know only what you see on the news, you are told this or that and so you believe thats how it is...   how does the election process work for presidency?  look that stuff up, and perhaps think about who gets to pick the heads of the cabinets, like FCC they decide what when how where why you see what you see or hear, and than think who appoints head of that?  I am not bashing us"  I think we are the good guys, but its a open minded answer to this question...  who says that Mugabe is actually bad more so than good?  I know there HAS to be many officials who might do things society frowns on, but that does not make them bad, think about what you have done in the last two months?

  10. because they are sore losers!!!!!!!! ):l

    and they have brainwashed people to vote for them or they would just easily kill innocent people.

  11. History always repeats itself. This is just another example of how tyranny can gain control and maintain it over a large population. Mugabe used "state sponsored violence" to control the people and maintain power. Just as all dictators do, they promise to "take care" of the poorer population by providing food, energy, transportation, health care, etc. An example is Venezuela. Chavez is a dictator, but subsidizes the oil to the popluation so they pay about 18 cents per gallon. The dictators tactic is always to take away from the prosperous and redistribute to the destitute and that is where the support comes from the people. No one is special...all efforts are for the State and the utlimate goal is to maintain power...all for the "elite". This is usually not realized by the people until it's too late and they see how much freedom has been taken from them, just to be "taken care of".

    Same as the countries of Russia (Stalin), Germany (Hilter), Italy (Mussolini), Cuba (Castro) have done throughout history... They promise the stars and once they have control, they take away from the people little by little their basic human rights, freedom and liberty. That control and power must be maintained at all costs. Those who revolt against the tyrrants are censored in the media, shipped off to gulags, threatened with violence to them or their families and sometimes just plain killed.

    It really is amazing that this continues to happen despite all examples through history. The United States is experiencing some of that ideology today by certain politicians. Success is more and more looked upon in a negative light. The less of an achiever you are, the more you deserve is the idea. Take wealth away from achievers, those who worked hard in school, who work hard every day and who take individual responsiblity are punished and are expected to pay more so that the underachievers may be rewarded and "taken care of" by the State. The idea is the same that dictators have played upon throughout time. "We are the government and will take care of you".

  12. In general, "bad guys" win because you and I are so married to our political ideologies (whether liberal or conservative), that we overlook the character flaws of our politicians.  How long has Ted Kennedy been in office?  A perfect illustration.  I'm sure many of those who vote for him do so with the rationalization, "Well, he's not perfect, but at least he's not a #&$% Republican."  So we vote for scummy individuals, and chalk it up to a "necessary evil".  Just my opinion.

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