
Why are the beers always on the bottom shelf?

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Seriously, that's where everyone I know puts them. Is it colder down there or something?




  1. yep most coolers cool from the bottom and work the cold air on the floor i have found only 3 stores which r in nw ga. to have beer on the top shelf i asked a buddy who works there why do i have to get on my knees to get a 12pack he replys cause while ur on ur knees u can pray for lower prices and if he put all the beer on the top shelfs how would the short ppl reach it funny huh made scents to me btw im 6'8"

  2. No it's because they have the least alcoholic content per ounce, the stuff with more alcohol is higher up. It's a ritualistic bar practice that really has no purpose.

  3. its because the drunks that drink the beer can see it when they stagger in and collapse on the floor.

  4. TS - you said it's so short people can reach?   I usually have to buy cases because they're on the bottom.  I'm guessing they're on the  bottom because they're heavier.  They put the 6 packs on the top shelf and being 4'10" I can never reach those!

  5. so you can look at your girlfriend's a$$ when she bends over to get you one

  6. Because the person stocking the shelves wants to get a laugh watching someone with a beer gut bend down to retrieve a pack.  You never know what the technique will be, will they extend that back leg runner style and try to lean down to get it, go down on one knee, or ask for assistance!

  7. Everywhere I've been the liquors are divided by type (vodka, gin, whisky, beer) and then stacked from well to top shelf on the bottom to top shelves.

    So the beer section has the nicest imports and microbrews on top and the big cases of domestic on the bottom shelf or floor of the fridge. They also tend to stack smaller sets high and larger cases low, probably because they're heavier.

    If the place is really small, I'd guess that because beer tends to be shorter and more densely packed than bottles of liquor or wine they'd go on the bottom shelf for stability.  

  8. yes

  9. most height beween shelves down on the bottom

  10. I thought it was because it causes less of a problem if you broke one of the bottles (You don't get beer over everything, you just clean up the bottom of the refrigerator.)

    The same would go for wine bottles or other fragile containers for liquids such as those milk bags (cartons go on top shelf typically).

  11. Yes. It stays colder.

    Warm air rises, cold air falls.

  12. It's to help prevent "beer gut."  This way the beer drinkers get at least a little exercise, bending and reaching for their beer.

  13. Uh heat rises, so it might be colder. I think people put it on the bottom shelf so your attention isn't immediately drawn to it.  

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