
Why are the bees gone?

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someone told me it is because of the cellphone radiation or something. why are they going away?




  1. Africanized killer bees

  2. Climate changes.

  3. They got tired and went home

  4. Come to my house and you will see they all came here.

  5. People spraying for insects also kill insects they think are good.

    In fact all insects are factors in eco systems even mosquito`s

    They once sprayed for Mosquito`s on the banks of the Danube ,and all life in the woods disappeared .

    Because the mosquito`s are part of the food chains for many bigger things ,and others depend on them and so on.

    If Nature is healthy and balanced there are no excesses of anything..

    We upset these balances with the use of chemicals and mono culture farming.

    The bees are also dying because of a parasite that has gone out of control .

    Global warming is affecting many microbe populations and this causes differences up the ladder.

    Another factor of bees deaths is related to bee keepers moving the hives around, bypassing the Natural actions of anti bodies against viruses

    Then there are these rumors of cell phones ,but i do not know anything about that..

  6. Chemicals

    The hum of such things as electrical lines, and the towers may cause the decline?

    We are agriculture here. We have many crops growing and we noticed some time ago the honey bee's that pollinate are going away.

    This is a huge issue in the agriculture magazines as well. Humans are destroying the earth like humans are born to do.

  7. They have risen up in revolt against the bee keeper oppressor class and are gathering in the woods for the final confrontation after which they will establish a worker bee paradise free from exploitation.  Up the Hive!!!!!!!!

  8. People in Georgia who handle bees say that a virus or some type of infectious killer has entered their populations.
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