
Why are the british royals... royal?

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i personally dont think its fair being born into a family of priviledge...even though i know they do a lot of charity work etc..

i was wondering why are the royals so priviledged? what is it that they do to deserve so much?




  1. come on you have to justify a few hundred years of hunnish chieftainship somehow.....

  2. In ancient times, the strongest warrior led the towns and villages. Over time, they became richer as the rest of the village paid them for protection (either by will or by force). After that, some families started to retain power and eventually became the ruling houses of Europe.

    The royal brits haven't done anything to deserve being royal, they were just born into families who's ancestors imposed themselves over the rest of the people.

    They get paid now to maintain an ideal image for the country....sort a tourist attraction, some would say....but in fact they preside over charities and raise awareness to important issues. It's kind of a diplomatic job.

  3. Just the way things happen. Leader by blood right has been around for quite a while.

  4. Inheritance.  Besides being legitimately incredibly wealthy, the corwn of england has been part of the inheritance for a thousand years.  

    I'm not quite sure what you mean by priviledged.  They legitimately have a lot of money, and they live like people with a lot of money.  It's not about "deserving" or not deserving.  When your parents die, are you expecting someone to check if you "deserve" to inherit the remainder of their estate?  of course not.

  5. nearly a thousand years of history.... King Auther...William of Orange...Ethelred the Unready...etc.

    you asked the question...I gave you an answer!!

    ah!...Deserve?? different question!

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