
Why are the children of Democrat presidents and Democrat presidential candidated off-limits but are....?

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fair game for Republican presidential candidates?




  1. Double standard. Obama's supporters need to listen to him when he says that children are off limits.  He's right.  Sadly, they continue their vile smearing of Bristol Palin.   This year, the Obamacrats and the Democratic Party have demonstrated what hypocrites they are.  

    @Marcia B: the Republicans never smeared Obama's daughters.  That's another lie.

  2. I agree they should be.  Unfortunately, the Republicans have only just decided this is a good idea.  Before now, they were perfectly happy to insult and smear Obama's young daughters.

  3. This too shall pass.  Eventually, they will tire themselves out or see the damage that they are doing to themselves.  Unfortunately, they are not smart enought to simply know that they should not be carrying on in this manner and will have to wait on polling data to show how their attacks on Palin so far have only hurt themselves.

  4. They aren't Sarah Palin is fair game. Not her daughter. Sarah is the hypocrite here.

  5.   Elections are about the adults running for the office of least they should be..but some gossip people love to speak negative about family issues and exposed them in the sad that is.

  6. double standard!  The actions of a child are not the responsibility of the parent. Every parent knows you can't "control" a teenager." You teach them and hope they listen. However, ultimately it's their choice.

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