
Why are the cowboys so over hyped...they act as though they were last years superbowl champs?

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Why are the cowboys so over hyped...they act as though they were last years superbowl champs?




  1. Dude, their like that every year! Their so obnoxious.

  2. God I try so hard to understand where are they so over-hyped at. They are ridiculed made fun of on a reg basis and more than any other team. If you and the rest of the high I.Q people would check its not their fans that keep bringing them up over and over again. Its the ones that are sick and tired of hearing about them lol. We their fans aren't allowed here on Yahoo to say anything nice about our own team without being criticized for it. Espn does not speak good about the Cowboys if ever and when they do its negative. I see fans of a team that has never won a Superbowl get down and dirty because a team that has won 5 has not won a playoff in 12 years . Where do you get off being so judgmental and you have not won anything. How are the Cowboys behaving that gives you that impression. Sorry you feel that way they have been humble trying to get their team together just like all 31 other teams. The head dropping and tears are over and done with this is a new season. And people have a right to their opinion and if you have been a Cowboy fan for a good length of time you are so use to this. Every team every team is hated and despised by someone if they weren't we wouldn't have FOOTBALL lol Only the players are friends and family of other teams. While we are here tearing each other down. If we would search our conceince as to why we dislike someone or something and be honest not lie to others or ourselves. We would find the real reason and there is that word, that we all are aware of and it has nothing to do with HATE. Good luck to your team as the season approaches  

  3. because they have the most hottest cheerleaders  

  4. Open the flood gates and let them come tell you why they are still America's team.

    Maybe it's because they are like the Yankees and think that if they have the highest payroll they'll get the best players. Well how are the Yankees workin' out for ya this year?

    I am looking forward to all of T.O. dropped balls and stink-eys from the bench this year, when Tony NoMo falls apart and all of their dreams come crashing down.

  5. Let them be over hyped. I think it hurts them in the playoffs.  

  6. I don't think it is the Cowboys that have the attitude as much as their fans.  But then again, smart people aren't Dallas fans.

  7. They used to be America's team, it still has some hype left over. It took Charlie Weiss a couple of years to ruin the Irish's (never earned) preseason top ten ranking. Give Wadw a couple more years.

  8. What happens is that everyone looks at the talent the NFL has and then in comparison looks at the Cowboys.  The best team and players in the league are the only way they can judge every other players talent.  Take T. Romo for instance, he is the best so the only way another players talent can be measured is by what scientist call "The Romo Standard."  For example:  Romo is 100 therefore T.Brady is a 90.  P. Manning is an 89.  D. McNabb is a 19.  The standard to which every NFL player is held depends upon what a Dallas Cowboy rating is.  Maybe another example will help, J Witten =100 therefore Antonio Gates is a 92.  The formula is quite simple and when applied correctly results in 100% accuracy of rating all other NFL players.

  9. Why is it,that it's the Cowboy haters that keep bringing up the Cowboys and then turnaround and say Cowboy fans can't stop talking about them,bottom line dude,the Cowboys are destined to win their 6th Super Bowl this year,live with it

  10. You can thank the nitwits at ESPN

  11. For some crazy *** reason, they think this is the year. Wrong again!! I can't wait to see Jerry Jones face, when it comes crashing down again. All those Dallas fans, with their lame *** excuses!!!!

  12. that's because every year, dumb@$$ analysts from ESPN hype them up so much to win........... NO team performs at their best when pressured................

  13. maybe because they beat the superbowl champs twice or the fact that they are stacked with good players

  14. I don't know,but they are just going to have c**p on their faces again this year

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