
Why are the death rates for American children so high?

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Just hoping to get some views from Americans, if you do not mind of course. Why are the death rates of American children aged under five so high? The death rates are one of the highest in the western world despite more money being spent on healthcare per person in the USA than any other country on the planet.




  1. Kind of scary! On the other hand we have it a lot better than other countries, as the 3rd link clearly states. It might be bad in the US but it could be MUCH worse!  

  2. The primary reason is drug addicted babies... like crack babies. I'm sad to say that far too many of our child bearing women... especially unwed mothers are cranking out babies while they are doing drugs. The babies are born sick as a result and the death rate is quite high among them... in many cases, there is not much that medical science can do for them in those cases. When you factor out crack babies, our death rate is comparable to most other western countries.

    It's nothing for the US to be proud of, but it's more a reflection of our society than it is of our health care system.

  3. i think its child abuse because u see on the news that this child or that child is missing or a parent got arrested for killin her/his children/child.people are also gettin sick.its been rainin alot.and some parents are not watchin their children careful and the child may do something and probably kill themselves.and babies may be born stillborn.

  4. cause this sham admin wants to give tax breaks to gazillionaires and fight foolish wars rather then provide healthcare to its citizens like much of the rest of the planet does

    our broken system wastes a fortune on hmo's lawyers etc which should be spent on actual care and we deny people preventative care so colds go untreated and wind up as pnemonia in hospital

  5. Certainly America has become famous for one of the highest infant mortality rates among developed nations as well as one of the lowest life expectancy rates. And people keep screaming about how we are the best place to live- not since the Republicans took over. It is one of the most persistent lies  that is endlessly parroted by the privileged and the ignorant.

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