
Why are the democrats questioning Palin's experience?

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I mean come on. Everyone knows they don't wanna go there.




  1. Because they're desperate.  Palin has more administrative experience than Obama.  She has actually run things, not voting occasionally on pieces of legislation.  

    She's also more moderate that Obama claims he is - just look at his extreme leftist voting record.

  2. The republicans can BS all they want. This women was not the best choice. She is the mother of a 4 month old baby. If she was tuned into where she is supposed to be she would know that baby needs her right now. How sad?

  3. Because they just got their a$$e$ handed to them, that's why.

  4. she has as much as obama.

    or more

  5. You are right, losing for Lieutenant governor and her bachelor's in journalism is quite spiffy.  My favorite is admitting she doesn't know much about Iraq.  Hope McCain doesn't die, our commander in chief would be quite a spectacle.

    But I'm happy with his choice, he just lost his sexist base (which means he lost).

  6. She is a beauty queen~Mccain just lost the election in ONE day!

  7. Because democrats do not like women and blacks contrary to what they say.

  8. I don't know why they would do that, it seems like a kamikaze maneuver to me.

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