
Why are the democrats trying to re-instate the draft?

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You want to know the reason? There are too many blacks in the volunteer army, LOL. It's racist, according to this jerk.

That is the quality of leadership you can expect under Obama.




  1. This is news to me.  

  2. Liberals have been trying this for years. They feel if the draft is initiated, then rich white kids will have to go to war also, and then their rich white daddies will not make war anymore if that happens.

    But the truth is rich whites have been volunteering for years already.

  3. That article is from 2006 and is not about 'democrats' but one democrat.  Further, the reason he states is not racism, but the war in Iraq stretching troop strength thin and needing our military to be ready for other threats such as North Korea and Iran.  From the article you cite:

    "If we're going to challenge Iran and challenge North Korea and then, as some people have asked, to send more troops to Iraq, we can't do that without a draft," Rangel said.

    and this:

    Sen. Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican who is a colonel in the U.S. Air Force Standby Reserve, said he agreed that the U.S. does not have enough people in the military.

    "I think we can do this with an all-voluntary service, all-voluntary Army, Air Force, Marine Corps and Navy. And if we can't, then we'll look for some other option," said Graham, who is assigned as a reserve judge to the Air Force Court of Criminal Appeals.

    and then this:

    Graham said he believes the all-voluntary military "represents the country pretty well in terms of ethnic makeup, economic background."

    Where in the WORLD do you get the 'too many blacks'???  Did you read this???

    Why do YOU totally lie about what this article says???

  4. It is the democrats that are trying to re-instate the draft.

    Goofy posters accuse Bush and the Republicans, but the guy from NY is a democrat, not hard to understand!

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