
Why are the dems exploding in shrieking panic at McCain's selection of Palin as VP?

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If she is such a terrible choice, why are they so worried?

I've seen very few calm and rational posts on this topic.




  1. It caught them by surprise.  They did not see it coming.  It also completely took the focus off off Obama's speech, which upset them.

  2. The choice of Palin takes quite a bit of the wind out of their sails and makes them look even more sexist for not selecting Hillary as Obama's running mate. It irritates the heck out of them that the republicans used one of their own tricks against them and made themselves look all the more progressive for the effort.

  3. The center of gravity of this election just shifted from Obama to Palin.

    She stands at the intersection of a lot of voting blocs in this country.  She has a proven track record of governance.  She is telegenic and well spoken.  She is tough yet charming.  

    Bill Richardson called Obama the candidate of a lifetime.  This has been a long lifetime, the second candidate of a lifetime just showed up.

    Unless there are some skeletons in her closet or Obama pulls a rabbit out of the hat.  I see this election sliding to McCain.

  4. It's fun to watch, huh?  Major panic on YA by the libs.  I have yet to see a rational answer as to why they don't support her.  It's always something whiny and irrelevant that spews out of their troll-like little fingers as they type their response.  Panic has set in...let's see who they tromp on their way out the door!  lol

    Ethel M - you said "Palin is out of the main stream."  I don't understand what you meant by that?  It couldn't be that dems don't consider her a threat because she's not a typical Washington politician?  Oh my, wasn't it Obama who began his campaign on the promise that he would "change" politics as usual?  Guess what, McCain took a page out of his book and schooled him on it!!

    AlexJ -  21 months of "executive experience" is more than Obama has.  The difference is Obama's running for President.  Palin is running for Vice-President.  She's got him out-classed in every way.  He should be shaking in his boots!

  5. Because now they have nothing to attack.  They weren't ready for it.

  6. at least there not talking about obama,lol.because he has no experience at all.

  7. It sort of pulled the democrats owned seat out with the political game of musical chairs.

  8. I'm not exploding in panic. In fact, I'm not panicking at all. We've got it in the bag.  

  9. Why should we?

    If anyone should be shrieking, it's ALL Americans.

    McCain has chosen an ex-beauty queen/sportscaster journalist who has 21 months of "executive experience" that would be one heartbeat away from the presidency should they get elected.

    Even her own mother-in-law has a problem with her being chosen.

    And that's saying something.

  10. in short, i think they got caught off guard and how they were going to approach this part of the campaign. really hard for obama to argue foreign policy with mccain and for biden to argue change and reform when here is a first term gov doing just that. the v.p. debate may get more coverage than the "obama gala".

  11. The left is totally afraid of what Palin can do for McCain's success.    She is a problem solver and I think she is a great addition to the Republican Presidential ticket.  McCain/Palin 08

  12. Hey remember............the Repubs have their screaming fits too ya when all the media left North Amercia to follow Obama do not be so sanctimonious and let it seem as though only the Dems are in a shrieking's all politics baby................panic on BOTH sides!

  13. Because she's good - real good....the frothing at the mouth name calling counter attacks by the Dem's is always the dead giveaway.....she looks, sounds, talks, walks, like a genuine person, not some political hack or elitist.  She is one of us, the normal people who have to balance their checkbooks to the penny, and work for a living, not a lifestyle.  There is not a pitiful bone in her body, by her own choice.  She is more like our nations founders than any candidate since Teddy Roosevelt.

    Palin is smart, wise, educated, dynamic, genuine, brave, adventurous, and beautiful. - and proud of her nation and wants to contribute...what she may lack in foreign policy experience (not a good point for Obama to harp on, considering his own shortfall in the area)  I suspect will be overcome by her short learning curve.  By January, I guarantee she will know protocal backward and forward.  She's everything the Dem's want none of us to be, especially women.  They feed on the image of being downtrodden, which very few of us actually are, gratefully.  

    She will be a brilliant Vice Pres, and better yet, a brilliant first woman President.  

  14. How does laughter = panic?

  15. because Obama is don in the polls today

    Rassmussen - Obama down 2% points

    Lead McCain 49-46

    Gallop - Obama down 2% points

    Leads McCain 48-42

    Not the bump that Obama was hoping for and Obama will probably be trailing by this time next week.

    After 8 years of feeling cheated by the Supreme court, Democrats are becoming peeved that another opportunity is slipping them by

  16. Because they now know there is no chance at winning in November.

  17. It sounds like exploding in glee to me.

  18. They are afraid, as they should be.   She is a very compelling woman.  

  19. Because it's offencive!

    McCain picked her because of her gender, not because of her skill, or because she would be a great pick, but because she is a woman.

  20. I don't think Dem's are in a panic over Palin.

    Palin is out of the main stream.

  21. She is far from a terrible choice.  She brings youth, and gender, and executive experience with an 80% approval rating as a governor to a campaign that was constantly criticized for being old and... whatever.

    It was a brilliant move.  

    Dem''s know it.  They are freaking out because of it.  They know they have a tough hill to climb.

    Joe Biden?

  22. Iunno but PRE-PALIN I was constantly called a racist for not voting Obama and now all I see is "Don't fall for it!" and how offensive it is.  

    It's nowhere near as offensive as Obama's bid for the least she isn't suggesting she has a right to the white house simply BECAUSE she is a woman.

    I <3 McCain for making dems stop making this election all about race.

  23. Shock and awe Baby shock and awe.

    Yes I am amazed at it all.

  24. They are offended because they are so short-sighted as to think the choice was made to win over Hillary's women voters.

  25. In a short paragraph, the Dems lost any hope for Nov.

    Blue collar for McCain

  26. McCain bringing Palin in has effectively slammed the door on Obama, how does Obama attack Palin without looking like a sexist bully and it would remind many of Clintons supporters how he treated them in the primary, I think the DNC will have no choice but to have the whole party attack her and keep Obama clean.

  27. Because they would actually have to bring change instead of talking about it.  

  28. It is called righteous anger at his rank pandering ( at least nominate a qualified Repub woman) and hypocrisy ( young, and inexperienced to the max- from Alaska, jeez, why not North Dakota cause it is next to Canada?)

    Panic?  No her Exxon PR employed husband will make sure all the oil wars in the Middle East continue should she become President and at last break the glass ceiling for all American women.  At least we know that  it will be business as usual.

  29. This is the most ammusing thing I've seen since the Rev Wright fiasco.

    Good times!

  30. Are you kidding me? Now we know McCain's attacks on Obama's inexperience will be muted or hypocritical; and that those who supported Sen. Clinton as a woman candidate will not join up with a far-right, anti-women's issues VP pick like Palin. Trust me, we weren't counting on a big groundswell of right wing and evangelical voters coming over to Obama's side even before this.

    Have you heard excitement about Palin from any point on the political compass other than the far right??? No.

    My friends and acquaintences (Obama supporters) are exhilarated over Palin being selected.

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