
Why are the dems trying to add a 10 cent a gallon tax increase to gasoline and diesel taxes?

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Isn't the party of no nukes, no oil, no coal, no new drilling content with the current high price of fuel in America?




  1. Because democrats like to have taxes.

    Indiana Democrats voted for a higher cigarette tax, which is ridiculous (I don't even smoke!)

    The Democratic party is all about taxes!!

    Check out this link of taxes that we are currently paying!!

  2. Scooter, she said she didn't smoke....she was making a point with a tax that was raised.

    You see folks....democrats never get the whole picture because they don't read everything!!!

  3. I love how the GOP is complaining about taxes!  They would rather continue to spend and cut their own taxes while pushing the debt on to their children and grandchildren.  It's not magic people-  The money has to come from somewhere (Besides borrowing a TRILLION from China).

    Btw-  I love the person complaining about a cigarette tax.  I'll bet you expect my taxes to pay for your chemotherapy.

  4. Well the Dems will only rule a third of America if they get in.  But in answer to your question...they probably think that no one will notice  where or why another 10 cent increase has taken place

  5. How else are they going to pay for Bush's war?  That money has to come from some place.  Maybe you would like them to keep dipping into Social Security.  I hope the elderly enjoys the money I'm giving them.  I know I won't get a chance to enjoy it...

    Show me a Republican president who hasn't raised taxes.  Even when they do lower them, they just raise them somewhere else.  Even your precious Reagan raised them.  Not to mention, Bush Sr. raised them after saying, "read my lips, no new taxes!"  It's a two way street.  The Democrats are just the ones who don't lie about it.

  6. The consequences of additional tax will further damage the ability of the working man to "continue to work". When the working man does not earn there is no FEDERAL withholding tax income to support the US, no STATE withholding tax income to support our states.

    The government best enforce government budget cuts instead of adding tax.  ANY more taxes to the already over taxed working man will be a fatal expense that can not be paid.

    Our politicians need to use simple math and calculate the average income and expenses of working class America and review carefully that there is NO MORE TO's GONE, BORROWED AGAINST AND BANKRUPTING THE AMERICAN DREAM.............

    Our pursuit of happiness is being raped and abused by politicians who can not balance their own budgets but expect us to....... plus FORCE US to afford their privilege and luxury without conscience or accountability for their greed and incompetence to the welfare of Americans.  

    Managing my household has become overwhelming, I can not afford any more expenses from the Federal level, the State level, City level, the utility companies, the fuel companies who have ALL independently taken from my household income.............and there is no mediator FOR ME to report to that my household is being ABUSED by the combination of all these mandatory expenses.  My credit report is showing slow fault of my own.......I have had my pockets picked from too many sources that have RAPED my budget.........I  WILL  NOT  BE  RESPONSIBLE  FOR  THE  GREED  OF  OTHERS  AT  MY  EXPENSE.............

    I have worked 30 years earning a living to provide myself for the welfare of my family........., I've never asked ANYONE to take care of me.......... THE ABILITY TO AFFORD TO CARE FOR MYSELF AND MY FAMILY IS  THREATENED  .................

    There are times when to be reasonable is to be cowardly

    I can no longer afford to be reasonable.......

  7. They need as much money as they can get to keep buying the votes of the freeloaders...........

  8. You guys in America think you've got it bad, try living in the UK, our government really is robbing us on fuel, we're now paying over $10 a gallon (£5), and it's not all to do with the high price of oil, its a lot to do with the fact that governments have a bee on their bonnet about reducing car usage and getting people off the roads, and if you elect a party with a lot of greenism in them, that is their political bias will always be to nature and the environment, then you can expect a lot of measures that will just make it harder and harder to run a car, as green parties also invariably tend to be anti-car. Theres a lot of ex-green party members involved with the current UK government and pro green scientists advising them, which is why they're trying to come down on UK motorists like a ton of bricks. Get rid of the greenies and you will see things like petrol prices drop rapidly.

  9. Actually, the US has the best bargain of fuel taxes of any nation other than the other oil producing nations.

    I agree that the liberal mindset of tax the taxes then add taxes to the tax is ignorant, but that is the socialist way. Find a product that everyone needs and tax the begibie's out of it. That way they can pay for all the socialist programs they want to institute.

    Now, back to the fuel issue. Again, the US has the lowest fuel TAX of all the nations except the other oil producing nations, because those nations subsidise their fuel sales with overcharging other countries.

    OPEC has a strangle hold on oil prices right now, but I forsee a point in time that they will be begging countries to buy from them. (but that's another issue) The OPEC nations have banded together to sell oil at a price that will allow them to socialize their national projects and still have enough cash left over to fund the arab nations terrorist circus.

    But back to the price issue. ALL Nations, regardless of their currency and situations are paying the same price for the fuel they are getting. ALL the Socialist nations are adding taxes at rates unbelieveable to US citizens to fund all the social programs they provide their citizens. One of the largest taxers is the Netherlands, but they have a lot of government funded programs.

    Mexico is selling gas to their citzens for under $3.00 (equivalent US value) because they sell their oil at the OPEC level but pay their workers at the poverty level. And they do not provide all the social give aways so they have a bunch of money to subsidize their home gas sales.

    BUT as for the Demo's adding an additionsl tax here in the US...It's not for a social program, it's "to reduce our dependency on oil and to reduce our driving habits." HEY DUFUS DEMO SENATOR OR CONGRESSPERSON....I STILL have to drive to work, so why attack me?

    And it will all show how much THEY want to participate when we see who takes advantage of the TAX FREE fuel in Denver, during the convention.....

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