
Why are the dems trying to add a 10 cent a gallon tax to diesel and gasoline?

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Is the party of never-drill-anywhere-anytime not content to punish low income Americans with the current high gas and fuel prices?




  1. Since the people are diving less won't that mean there won't be a need for as much maintenance?

    The reason they want higher taxes is because they are so freeking out of touch. They don't have to pay that tax for the most part they pass it back to us.

    I wish people were as worried about my friggin social security as they are the highway fund.

  2. I'll try to make this as simple as I can.

    Recent higher gas prices has led to lower fuel consumption.

    Lower fuel consumption has resulted in less federal gas tax collected.

    Less tax collected will result in roads and bridges crumbling under the wheels of your car due to lack of funds to maintain and repair them.

    So, you can either thank congress for trying to save you from your own myopic foolishness, or simply redirect your anger to the current administration for getting us in this situation.

  3. so they can continue to manipulate the lower wage earners into believing they can't get through life without government run programs..

  4. To allow us to rebuild the infrastructure of the United States.  This year the funds in the Federal reserve for this will go into the red so we need a way to increase the amount up to $41 billion dollars or more per year and this is one way to do it.

  5. From the news segment I saw about this, the till the gov't has to pay for road repairs is practically empty.  This extra tax is to help fill up those reserves that pay for the road repairs and projects of the country.

  6. They say they are the party of the people for the people, but actions speak louder than words.

    High taxes and take from those that work hard and give to those who choose not to work at all......

  7. They need more money to pay for the lazy and irresponsible people who choose not to work.  The same people who choose to overpopulate the US with numerous offspring who have been taught that the government "owes them" and will provide for them if they are irresponsible.

  8. They promise to use the money for a good cause.  Can you trust them.  If cancer got cured with just 10 cents, you'd feel silly that you opposed this.

  9. they're democrats they're sneaky little hypocritical rats.

    (i think raising taxes is their right of passage)

    they try to befriend the low income people and then stab them in the back!  all the while the elitists are watching and waiting.

  10. Because they are DEMOCRATS!!!  That is what democrats do.

  11. There are reasons why the increase is being proposed but you haven't bothered to include those in your question.  You're more interested in slamming Dem's, no matter what the truth actually is.  If you were interested in the truth you would ask if there is another way to make up the $3 billion deficit in the highway trust fund a year after the tragedy in Minneapolis.

  12. Have you ever heard of a Democrat who did not try to increase taxes?

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