
Why are the economic superpowers wrangling over Africa?

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It is hard to fathom, but Zimbabwe is sandwiched between the ambitions of two super powers to extend their influence over the African continent. Both China and the United States see Africa as the strategic focus in an ever-tense game of vying for hegemony. The recent outrage by the Bush administration at South Africa’s refusal (some would euphemistically call it ‘SA’s failure’ to support the resolution, but really, it was a conscious calculation of the pros and cons from the standpoint of ongoing trade relations with China) to support a UN resolution against Mugabe had nothing to do with some sudden realisation of moral backbone or rising to the need to provide moral leadership against a man (read Bob) pulverising his people; it has everything to do with America’s concern over rapid growth of Sino-African trade.

Is this wrangle advancing or hurting Africa?




  1. In my personal opinion, they would both rather own a slice of Africa and thus be entitled to some form of economic benefit through their association with the backward continent than to be obligated to supply Africans with endless handouts in order to fill their bottomless begging bowl, obviously with no material benefit to anyone, including Africans themselves whose corrupt leaders embezzle funds intended for upliftment and the poor.

    Nothing can hurt Africa more than majority rule by Africans themselves.

  2. It depends a lot from the ability of the few democracies (or..ehr.. modern organized countries) to play the game. Africa is now a part of the big game on resources. From the Algerian gas to Moroccan phosphates, from Nigeria oil to west african wood: everyone wants more access to these resources in a more and more dilapidated world. Will be African countries able to obtain a fair exchange for their resources and promote growth? That is really hard to say, but this could be the opportunity. Otherwise This rush , as any form of colonialism, will hurt Africa again.

    China and the US are really similar on this subject: none of them cares about Africa. China is less hypocritical, declaring openly they will not interfere with local governments.US always like to show some kind of moral or ethical commitment. Both exploit and bribe heavily.

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