
Why are the environmentalists not predicting global cooling with record cold temperatures hitting the US this?

by Guest57594  |  earlier

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weekend as they predict? The temperatures all across the US are going to be hitting record cold levels and they also had massive cold snaps back in 2004. Looks like a trend happening that maybe is the start of global cooling. I agree that pumping toxins into the air and water is definately terrible for the planet, but environmentalists blame anything on global warming. That goes from record cold temperatures to warm temperatures. You would think that when it gets record cold outside you could blame that on global cooling, but they do not. Why is that it is only a one way street with them?




  1. Global cooling doesn't fit into their agenda.  It wouldn't benefit them to consider that maybe the planet's temperature changing may just be part of a natural cycle.  That's not an excuse not to take care of the environment.  You can't crusade against nature's natural cycles, though.

  2. We have been having unusually HIGH temperatures this winter here in Austin, Texas.

    Local cold snaps mean nothing anyway. It is the global average for the year that counts. And really not even just the yearly average, but the 100 year trend in the yearly average. That is why the fact that 1998 was warmer than 1999 through 2006 is not important.

  3. Because their whole shtick is doom and gloom.  If things all got better, what would they have to bray about?  Their existence depends on bad news and dour prediction.  The truth is, they would hate to see this "warming" reversed, with polar icecaps increasing in size, and glaciers growing.  That's the kind of people they are.   They place their own sorry credibility above the welfare of the planet.

  4. Whatever humans do, the planet is going to go theough it's cycles no matter what. Did we have internal combustion way back when the ics-ages hit, then receded again?? Same story, except politicans are trying to act like we have some say in matters and forces that are way out of our hands.

  5. The initial effects of global warming cause local climate destabilization.  Meaning that if the trend in new england is average weather for 5 years, then swings for 2 years then back to average etc then when warming effects the area they may have 2 years of average, and 2 years of swings.  These swings can be one way or the other initially, warmer or colder, depending on the surrounding topography and global weather.  As the global average temperature rises, these swings will become less extreme and warmer.  Keep in mind that one possible and ironic end result to global warming may be an "Ice" world as debris (dust and gasses) and pollution build up reflecting the suns heat.

  6. Actually my friend, these record cold temperatures you're talking about are related with global warming.

    You see the Gulf stream (corriente del Golfo in Spanish) plays a huge role and controlling earths temperature. And global warming has started to affect it and there is a possibility of this stream actually disappearing. or stopping. The last time this happened it brought up the last Ice Age. You're right about everything going on in cycles, the problem is our irresponsible ways have started to altered those cycles.

    Basically, Mother Earth is fed up and has started to fight back.

    Much like the human body fighting a desease.

    Did you see Matrix, remember what Smith tells Morpheus before he gets away...He's right...we are a virus.

  7. because one day does not make it a global cooling, overall it is more hot. Look at New  England if you want to go local

  8. It is hard to blame industry on cooling though they did try that in the 1970s.  Certain scientists said petroleum products were causing a cooling. The greenhouse gas theory has a bigger ring of truth to it and it is easier to for them to sell

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