
Why are the fine motor skills of autistic children affected??

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Why are the fine motor skills of autistic children affected??




  1. That is not always the case.

    My nephew had no real motor skill problem, but his sister is very klutzy.

    But my niece has also had seizures & mini-strokes which may have caused the coordination problem.

    - - -

    There is a character in my family history that I am certain relatively had Asperger's.

    He made a living fixing watches.  He certainly had no fine motor skill problems.

  2. What is your basis for asking the question? I realize I don't know you, but as the mother of a teenage boy with high functioning autism, I find I tell people as little as possible about his condition so they don't criticize him.

    Are you a parent of an autistic child?

    If you are not then the question does not pertain to you, does it?

  3. Functionaing level is not necessarily an indicator of fine motor skills.  There are high functioning kids with autism that also have poor fine motor skills.  

    Fine motor skills can be affected due to the hypotonia (low muscle tone) and sensory issues that are sometimes present in children with autism.

  4. As Smarty Kat states the fine motor skills of only some autistic children are affected. Those who have higher functioning autism or Asperger syndrome very often are extremely adept at doing very fiddly things. Some autistic children are affected more in the area of gross motor skills and will have trouble running and jumping and tend to be very clumsy. It all comes down to autism being a spectrum disorder and no two sufferers ever being the same.

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